Tag: U.K.

  • High-Volume, More Efficient Stem Cell Production Developed

    An academic-industry team in Europe designed and tested new processes that can simplify and streamline production of human stem cells in large quantities.

  • Company, Charity to Discover Antibiotic Boosters

    An organization promoting research on drug-resistant bacteria is collaborating with a drug discovery company on compounds that reverse antibiotic resistance.

  • More Device Approvals, Higher Risks in Europe than U.S.

    29 June 2016. An analysis of regulatory approvals and outcomes shows medical devices are reviewed and approved faster in Europe than the U.S., but also face more safety issues later on. A team from Kings College London and Harvard University published its findings yesterday in the journal BMJ. Researchers led by Aaron Kesselheim, a bioethicist…

  • Trial Underway Testing Drug to Reduce Chronic Cough

    14 June 2016. A clinical trial testing a drug treating chronic cough — coughs continuing for 8 weeks or more — will begin recruiting participants in the U.K. to join other sites in the U.S. The U.K. sites are under the direction of National Institute for Health Research, testing a  small molecule, or low molecular…

  • Blood Test Guides Depression Drug Decisions

    7 June 2016. A blood test for two key biomarkers can identify drugs for depression that match an individual’s condition with the disease, thus improving chances of success. A team from the lab of psychological medicine professor Carmine Pariante at Kings College London published its findings yesterday in the International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology. Pariante’s team,…

  • Graphene Adds Stretch to Natural Rubber, Plastic Films

    20 May 2016. A team in the U.K. discovered that adding a small amount of the material graphene creates more stretchable thin films made from natural rubber and plastic. Researchers from the lab of materials science professor Aravind Vijayaraghavan at University of Manchester describe their findings in a recent advance publication of the journal Carbon.…

  • Smartphone App Helps Deal with Negative Moods

    13 May 2016. A smartphone app created at two university psychology departments in the U.K. was shown to reduce the intensity of negative moods among its users. The team from University of Liverpool and University of Manchester reported its findings in the May 2016 issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry Open. The app, called…

  • Portable Genome Device to Combat Wildlife Trafficking

    12 May 2016. A handheld device for analyzing DNA can be used on the scene to identify products with endangered wildlife, to help stop poachers and smugglers of those species. A team from University of Leicester in the U.K. that devised this solution is the recipient of a $10,000 prize in the Wildlife Crime Tech…

  • Genomics, Data Tools Track MRSA Outbreaks in Europe

    6 May 2016. A combination of whole-genome sequencing and data visualization tools now makes it possible to track the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in European health facilities. A Europe-wide team led by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and Imperial College London described their software and service yesterday in the journal mBio. The authors call the spread…

  • Phones, Wearables Studied to Monitor Brain Disorders

    27 April 2016. A project now underway in Europe plans to develop techniques for smartphones and wearable devices to monitor people with depression, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis. The 5-year, €22 million ($US 25 million) initiative known as Remote assessment of disease and relapse – Central Nervous System, or Radar-CNS, is funded by the Innovative Medicines…