Tag: materials science

  • Animal-Free Leather Company Gains $40M in Venture Funds

    A company making leather for consumer goods with tissue engineering and gene-editing from living cells is raising $40 million in its second venture round.

  • 3-D Printing Technique Devised for Replacement Cartilage

    Biomedical engineers developed a process for directly printing replacement cartilage without the scaffolds needed in previous tissue engineering techniques.

  • Report from Maker Faire: Plastic Recycling Made in Space

    Report from Maker Faire: Made In Space and Lowe’s stores displayed a system that recycles polyethylene plastic bags and bottles into filament for 3-D printers.

  • Univ. of Pittsburgh, Ansys Partner on Additive Mfring

    Ansys, a developer of engineering simulation software and services, is starting an additive manufacturing lab at University of Pittsburgh’s engineering school.

  • Graphene Chip Detects DNA, RNA Mutations

    15 June 2016. A biomedical engineering team developed a chip built on graphene that detects mutations in genetic material, for eventual use in mobile diagnostics equipment. Researchers from University of California in San Diego, led by engineering professor Ratnesh Lal, describe their device this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Lal and…

  • Biomaterials Solutions Studied for Chronic Wounds

    3 June 2016. A team of materials and medical scientists is investigating a new process of applying protein-based biomaterials to the healing of chronic wounds. The research led by materials scientists Millicent Sullivan and Kristi Kiick at University of Delaware in Newark is funded by a 4 year, $1.4 million grant from National Institute of…

  • Graphene Adds Stretch to Natural Rubber, Plastic Films

    20 May 2016. A team in the U.K. discovered that adding a small amount of the material graphene creates more stretchable thin films made from natural rubber and plastic. Researchers from the lab of materials science professor Aravind Vijayaraghavan at University of Manchester describe their findings in a recent advance publication of the journal Carbon.…

  • New Process Boosts Injectable Drug Purity, Safety

    20 May 2016. A team of engineers and chemists developed a process for enhancing the purity and safety of drugs given with injections by removing excess additives, while keeping the drugs easy to inject. Researchers from University at Buffalo in New York, led by biomedical engineering professor Jonathan Lovell, describe their process in yesterday’s issue…

  • Fast, Inexpensive Test for Water Bacteria Developed

    18 May 2016. A team at York University in Toronto designed a water-testing kit connecting to a smartphone that makes testing for water-borne bacteria faster and less expensive. The Mobile Water Kit, from the lab of engineering professor Sushanta Mitra, is described in a recent issue of the journal Analyst (free registration required). Developers of the…

  • ReWalk, Wyss Institute Developing Soft Exoskeleton Robot

    17 May 2016. A robotics company is licensing technology from a bioengineering lab at Harvard University to develop systems for people needing help with mobility, such as those with multiple sclerosis or suffering a stroke. Financial aspects of the deal between ReWalk Robotics Ltd. in Yokneam Ilit, Israel and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired…