Tag: U.K.

  • Genetic Techniques Quickly Build Crop Disease Resistance

    26 April 2016. Plant scientists in the U.K. developed genetic engineering techniques that quickly clone resistance to plant diseases affecting wheat, soybeans, and potatoes. The techniques are described in articles appearing in the 25 April issue of the journal Nature Biotechnology (paid subscription required). Teams from the John Innes Centre and Sainsbury Laboratory in Norwich…

  • Flair4IT Helps Cloud Computing Become Mainstream in the EU

    – Sponsored Content – 11 April 2016. Flair4IT, a UK based IT agency, has been working on making the cloud more mainstream in the EU. They have looked specifically at software applications and infrastructures. To enable the market to become more aware of cloud computing, and to make it as common as what it is…

  • Electronic Patch Offers Pain Relief, Cuts Medication Use

    29 March 2016. A study of customers using an electronic patch to relieve chronic pain, shows the patch relieves muscular and skeleton pain over 6 months, enabling its users to reduce their need for pain drugs. The study was done by BioElectronics Corp. in Frederick, Maryland, developer of the device, which expects to present the…

  • FDA Gives Initial Clearance for Engineered Mosquitoes

    11 March 2016. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a preliminary report that self-limiting engineered mosquitoes will have no significant environmental impacts on the Florida Keys, where they plan to be tested. The report agrees with an environmental assessment by Oxitec Ltd., developer of the engineered mosquitoes, that the agency is releasing for public…

  • Gene Editing Creates Pigs Resilient to African Virus

    23 February 2016. University and industry researchers edited the genomes of domesticated pigs to create a variety better able to withstand a deadly tick-borne virus. The team from University of Edinburgh and the biotechnology companies Sangamo BioSciences and Genus plc published its findings in yesterday’s (22 February) issue of the journal Scientific Reports. The team…

  • Virtual Reality Seen Helping People with Depression

    15 February 2016. Individuals suffering from depression often express a high degree of self-criticism to the point it interferes with recovery from their disorder. Researchers from University College London showed in a pilot study that a virtual reality exercise could increase feelings of self-compassion and reduce the severity of depression, in some cases with enough…

  • Ebola Monitoring System Devised with Genome Sequencing

    3 February 2016. An international team of scientists and engineers designed a mobile system using a hand-held genome sequencing device that provided real-time monitoring of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2015. Researchers led by microbiologists Nicholas Loman and Joshua Quick at University of Birmingham in the U.K. published their findings in today’s (3…

  • Business-Academic Coop to Fund Translational Research

    25 January 2016. Three pharmaceutical companies and three universities in the U.K. are forming an independent consortium to support academic research leading to new therapies. The £40 million ($US 57 million) Apollo Therapeutics Fund will be financed by contributions from global pharmaceutical enterprises AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline, and Johnson & Johnson, for work in research labs at…

  • Bacterial Bonding Technique Devised to Simplify Vaccines

    20 January 2016. Researchers at Oxford University developed and tested engineered proteins from bacteria that in lab tests make vaccine design simpler and more reliable. The team from the lab of biochemistry professor Mark Howarth published its proof-of-concept results in the 19 January issue of Scientific Reports. Howarth — with immunologists from Oxford’s Jenner Institute…

  • Smartphone App Computes Preterm Birth Risk

    18 January 2016. A smartphone app based on recently published research aims to calculate the risk of women giving birth prematurely. The app, called Quipp, was designed at King’s College London in the U.K., and is available free of charge for Apple iPhones. The Women’s Health Clinical Academic Group at Kings College developed Quipp —…