Tag: NIH

  • Small Business Grant Funds Point-of-Care Sickle Cell Test

    22 September 2014. A Cambridge, Massachusetts diagnostics company received a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant to develop a simple point-of-care test for sickle cell disease, a genetic blood disorder affecting a large percentage of people of African origin. The $225,000 grant from National Institutes of Health’s SBIR program to Daktari Diagnostics will support development…

  • Small Business Contract to Fund Cancer Drug Response Tests

    18 September 2014. National Cancer Institute, part of National Institutes of Health, is funding development of lab tests using a patient’s own cancer cells to help determine the best treatments for the patient. The $1.975 million contract to biotechnology company Kiyatec Inc. in Greenville, South Carolina was awarded under the Small Business Innovation Research program,…

  • Re-Analyzed Clinical Trial Data Often Draw New Conclusions

    10 September 2014. Researchers at Stanford University in California, with colleagues in Canada, analyzed decades of clinical trials to find a large proportion of the small number of studies where data were re-analyzed came to different conclusions from the original authors. The team led by Stanford medical professor John Ioannidis published its findings in today’s…

  • U.S. Patent Awarded for Freeze-Dried Vaccine Formulation

    9 September 2014. The technology making possible production and shipping of vaccines in a stable freeze-dried state received U.S. patent protection. Patent no. 8,808,710 was awarded last month by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to four inventors and assigned to University of Colorado. Soligenix Inc. in Princeton, New Jersey licensed the technology from University…

  • Grant Funding Crowdsourced Multiple Sclerosis Drug Trial

    8 September 2014. A grant from a National Institutes of Health agency is funding a crowdsourced clinical trial of a generic blood pressure drug to help treat multiple sclerosis. The $1.4 million grant from National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) is supporting an intermediate stage clinical study by Transparency Life Sciences LLC, a drug…

  • Ebola Vaccine Safety Trials Scheduled in U.S., U.K., Africa

    28 August 2014. Early-stage clinical trials testing the safety of new vaccines to protect against the Ebola virus are scheduled to begin as early as next week at sites in the U.S., United Kingdom, Mali, and The Gambia in West Africa. The vaccines are being developed by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID),…

  • $500K Challenge Seeks Techniques to Track Single Cells

    18 August 2014. A new challenge sponsored by National Institutes of Health is looking for better ways to follow and predict the functioning of a single cell in a complex multi-cell environment, such as in a tumor or a response to treatment. The competition, managed by the open-innovation/challenge company InnoCentive, expects to award prizes totaling…

  • Consortium to Develop Common Neuroscience Data Format

    4 August 2014. A coalition of research institutes and universities working in neuroscience are constructing a common format for sharing data about the brain to make emerging databases more useful to researchers. The Neurodata Without Borders project is an initiative of Allen Institute for Brain Science, California Institute of Technology, New York University School of…

  • Genome Institute Grant Funds 23andMe Database Upgrades

    29 July 2014. National Human Genome Research Institute, part of National Institutes of Health, is funding enhancements to the research database capabilities of personal genetics company 23andMe in Mountain View, California. The two-year, $1.37 million project aims to help the company better mine its genetic and survey data collections for research connecting genomic variations to…

  • Baxter Acquires Sickle-Cell Prevention Drug Developer

    10 July 2014. Baxter International in Deerfield, Illinois is acquiring AesRx LLC, a biopharmaceutical company in Newton, Massachusetts developing drugs for sickle-cell and other rare diseases. Baxter is making an initial payment to AesRx, which will be eligible for future payments tied to development and commercial milestones, but dollar amounts were not disclosed. Sickle cell…