Tag: computer science

  • Grid Computing Power Applied to Zika Research

    Carolina Horta Andrade at Federal University of Goiás in Brazil, the lead researcher on the OpenZika project. (Ana Fortunato, IBM) 19 May 2016. A consortium in Brazil and the U.S. is employing distributed grid computing to provide processing power for research on prospective compounds for treating Zika virus infections. The OpenZika project is using World…

  • ReWalk, Wyss Institute Developing Soft Exoskeleton Robot

    17 May 2016. A robotics company is licensing technology from a bioengineering lab at Harvard University to develop systems for people needing help with mobility, such as those with multiple sclerosis or suffering a stroke. Financial aspects of the deal between ReWalk Robotics Ltd. in Yokneam Ilit, Israel and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired…

  • Ingestible Robot Designed for Stomach Objects, Wounds

    13 May 2016. An engineering team at Massachusetts Institute of Technology designed a tiny robotic device for swallowing into the stomach to remove foreign objects and repair wounds. Researchers that include team members at University of Sheffield and University of York in the U.K., as well as Tokyo Institute of Technology, will describe the device…

  • Genomics, Data Tools Track MRSA Outbreaks in Europe

    6 May 2016. A combination of whole-genome sequencing and data visualization tools now makes it possible to track the spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in European health facilities. A Europe-wide team led by Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute and Imperial College London described their software and service yesterday in the journal mBio. The authors call the spread…

  • Lung Function App Service Expanded to Any Phone

    3 May 2016. A computer science lab extended the abilities of its smartphone app that measures lung function to a call-in service for any phone in the world. The team led by engineering and computer science professor Shwetak Patel at University of Washington will discuss the new service at the ACM Computer-Human Interaction (CHI) 2016…

  • Software Detects DNA Mutations in Single Cells

    19 April 2016. A new computer program detects genetic variations in individual cells, rather than current methods that require analyzing DNA in millions of cells. The program, named Monovar, is described by geneticists and bioinformatics specialists at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in the 18 April issue of the journal Nature Methods (paid subscription required). Monovar…

  • Flair4IT Helps Cloud Computing Become Mainstream in the EU

    – Sponsored Content – 11 April 2016. Flair4IT, a UK based IT agency, has been working on making the cloud more mainstream in the EU. They have looked specifically at software applications and infrastructures. To enable the market to become more aware of cloud computing, and to make it as common as what it is…

  • Crowdsourcing Yields Heart Disease Algorithm

    30 March 2016. Two financial analysts are the winners of a data science competition to write an algorithm that quickly analyzes MRI images of a person’s heart suspected of cardiac disease. The winning algorithm, by Qi Liu and Tencia Lee, was submitted in the second Data Science Bowl, put on by consulting company Booz-Allen Hamilton…

  • Virtual Reality Seen Helping People with Depression

    15 February 2016. Individuals suffering from depression often express a high degree of self-criticism to the point it interferes with recovery from their disorder. Researchers from University College London showed in a pilot study that a virtual reality exercise could increase feelings of self-compassion and reduce the severity of depression, in some cases with enough…

  • Alliance Creating PTSD Knowledge Base

    11 February 2016. A collaboration of three organizations and companies in the U.S. and Germany is building an authoritative and systematic collection of research on post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. The PTSD KnowledgeMap, as it’s called, is a project of Cohen Veterans Bioscience, Exaptive Inc,. and Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing, and will…