Tag: U.K.

  • Genetically Engineered Medflies Found to Control Wild Types

    13 August 2014. Researchers at the biotechnology company Oxitec Ltd. in Oxford and University of East Anglia in Norwich, both in the U.K., created a modified form of the Mediterranean fruit fly that tests show can reduce the population of this pest responsible for extensive crop damage in many parts of the world. Results of…

  • Trial Shows Stem Cell Treatment Feasibility for Stroke

    8 August 2014. An early-stage clinical trial shows treating stroke patients with their own bone-marrow stem cells is safe and feasible, and provides evidence of improving cognitive and motor functions. The study conducted by Imperial College London and affiliated hospitals in the U.K. appears today in the journal Stem Cells Translational Medicine (registration required). The…

  • Cancer Screening Blood Test Proposed, New Company Formed

    28 July 2014. A team from University of Bradford in the U.K. developed a simple blood test, which in early tests suggests it could screen patients for common types of cancer. The researchers led by medical sciences professor Diana Anderson published their findings last Friday in FASEB Journal, published by Federation of American Societies for…

  • Spin-Off Company Developing Cardiac Drug Tests

    22 July 2014. A medical researcher at Coventry University in the U.K. is spinning-off a new company to commercialize her research on cardiac drug toxicity for screening new therapies for dangerous side effects before testing on patients. Helen Maddock, a lecturer in cardiovascular physiology and pharmacology, is starting InoCardia to provide this service to pharmaceutical…

  • Immunocore, Lilly Collaborate on T-Cell Cancer Therapies

    16 July 2014. Drug maker Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis and Immunocore Ltd., a biotechnology company in Oxford, U.K. are jointly discovering new cancer therapies based on T-cells in the body’s immune system. The deal will pay Immunocore $15 million for each new therapy identified, with additional payments of $10 million for each therapy…

  • U.K. Public-Private Partnership to Attack Dementia

    20 June 2014. Medical Research Council, a science funding agency in the U.K., organized a consortium of academic and industry researchers to better detect, prevent, and treat dementia. The council and six industry partners plan to spend £16 million ($US 27.25 million) on the U.K. Dementias Research Platform that includes studies involving some 2 million…

  • Spin-Off Company Develops Drill-Less Tooth Cavity Treatment

    16 June 2014. A spin-off company from Kings College London in the U.K. is developing a technology that makes treating tooth cavities a painless electrical process. Reminova Ltd. — located in Perth, Scotland — was founded earlier this year and is led by two Kings College dental faculty, Nigel Pitts and Chris Longbottom, who serve…

  • Five Pharma Companies to Share Clinical Researcher Data

    27 May 2014. Five pharmaceutical companies are joining together to share their files on researchers conducting clinical trials, to speed the administrative process of starting up new studies. The Investigator Databank is a joint project of Novartis, Janssen (a division of Johnson & Johnson), Merck, Eli Lilly and Co., and Pfizer, and administered by DrugDev,…

  • Antibody Developer Secures $40M from Foundation Investors

    16 May 2014. Kymab Ltd., a developer of human antibodies from mouse genomes, raised $40 million in its second round of venture investment from the Wellcome Trust, an original backer of the company, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Kymab, based in Cambridge, U.K., is also collaborating with the Gates Foundation in research on discovery…

  • Intelligent Liner Aims to Improve Prosthetic Limb Comfort

    15 April 2014. Engineers in the U.K. at University of Southampton and Chas A Blatchford & Son Ltd. in Basingstoke are designing a liner with sensors for lower-limb prosthetic devices that improve the fit and comfort of those devices for their wearers. The team is developing a prototype device that they aim to have available…