Tag: NIH

  • Health Organizations Form Genetics Data Standards Alliance

    Some 70 health care organizations worldwide are forming an alliance to develop common standards for collecting and sharing genetic data. The organizations — representing health care providers, government agencies, academic and research institutes, foundations, and advocacy groups — seeks to create a common interoperable framework, with associated regulatory and practical guidelines, for the interchange of…

  • NIH Funding Antibacterial Resistance Clinical Research Net

    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of National Institutes of Health, is establishing a network of research universities to carry out clinical studies on antibacterial resistance. The first installment of $2 million will fund a leadership group of 20 researchers nationwide,with total potential funding of $62 million by 2019. The Antibacterial Resistance…

  • Mayo Clinic, Cancer Genetics Form Cancer Diagnostics Venture

    The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and Cancer Genetics Inc. in Rutherford, New Jersey formed OncoSpire Genomics, a joint venture to develop personalized cancer diagnostics based on next-generation genomic sequencing. Financial aspects of the deal were not disclosed. Cancer Genetics develops tests to discover genetic abnormalities, particularly those leading to personalized management of cancer. Among…

  • NIH Stops HIV Vaccine Immunizations in Clinical Trial

    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, will stop testing an HIV vaccine candidate, after interim results showed the vaccine stopped neither HIV infections nor the amount of HIV in the blood. The HVTN 505 study, a phase 2 clinical trial of safety and efficacy begun in…

  • Forum: Focus Research Funding on Scientists Not Science

    Elazer Edelman, a health sciences and technology professor at MIT called for a different funding formula during tight economic times that finances scientists rather than big scientific initiatives. Edelman made his remarks at a forum today on biomedical innovation in Washington, D.C. put on by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He also…

  • University, Resorts Partner on Sun Safety Campaign

    Researchers at San Diego State University are partnering with vacation resorts in the U.S. and Canada to encourage their guests to practice smart sun protection. The San Diego team is headed by health communications professor Peter Andersen and funded by National Institutes of Health. “More than two million new cases of skin cancer are reported…

  • Mayo CEO: Government Needs to Fund Health Care Innovation

    John Noseworthy, president and CEO of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, told an audience today that the U.S. government needs to fund scientific discovery to maintain U.S. health care quality and affordability, especially funding for National Institutes of Health (NIH). Noseworthy made his remarks in a speech at the National Press Club in Washington,…

  • University Developing Wearable Artificial Lung Device

    Biomedical engineers at University of Pittsburgh are developing a portable artificial lung for patients awaiting a transplant, yet still retain their mobility. The project headed by William Federspiel, director of the university’s medical device lab, is funded by a $3.4 million grant from National Institutes of Health. The device will serve as a bridge for…

  • Lozenges, Tobacco-Free Snuff Help Tobacco Chewers Quit

    Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota found nicotine lozenges and tobacco-free snuff could get smokeless tobacco users to quit their habits, even when some users started out with no intention of quitting. The team led by Mayo Clinic’s Jon Ebbert published its findings in this month’s issue of the journal Addictive Behaviors (paid…

  • GE, Vanderbilt to Partner on Colon Cancer Research

    GE Global Research, a division of General Electric Company, and Vanderbilt University’s Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville are collaborating on research to better understand the formation of colon cancer tumors at the level of individual cells. The study is funded by a five-year, $3.75 million grant from National Institutes of Health (NIH). Better cancer diagnosis…