Tag: computer science

  • Univ. Lab Creates Open-Source Intelligent Assistant

    11 March 2015. A computer science lab at University of Michigan is developing an intelligent personal assistant program that responds to voice commands like Apple’s Siri and Google Now, but is freely available for use or adoption in other software. The team from Michigan’s Clarity Lab, led by professors Jason Mars and Lingjia Tang, will…

  • Devices Assembled to Record Doctor-Patient Interactions

    13 February 2015. Computer scientists at University of California in San Diego assembled a collection of audio and video devices into a portable package that records doctors’ consultations with patients when also using electronic health records. The team led by computer science researcher Nadir Weibel that includes members from San Diego university and veterans’ medical…

  • Robotics Designed for Laundry and Other Uncertain Tasks

    6 February 2015. Computer scientists designed and tested decision-making models using artificial intelligence for robots to plan and perform unstructured and ill-defined tasks, from doing household laundry to conducting search-and-rescue operations. The team led by Siddharth Srivastava, now with United Technologies in Berkeley, California and Shlomo Zilberstein from University of Massachusetts in Amherst described their…

  • Report: U.S. Edge in Advanced Industries Slipping

    5 February 2015. A new report from Brookings Institution says the United States is losing ground to overseas competitors in critical advanced industries that hold the key to the country’s long-term economic future. The study by the Washington, D.C. think tank was discussed in a forum today with six CEOs of U.S. companies and the…

  • XPrize Awards $5.25M for Lunar Technologies

    26 January 2015. A competition to develop new technologies for landing and robotic exploration of the moon awarded $5.25 million in 9 prizes to 5 private companies, as part of the Google Lunar XPrize challenge. The companies — from the U.S., Germany, Japan, and India — received the prizes for their design and development of…

  • Computer Model Predicts Bacteria Mutations, Aids Drug Design

    2 January 2014. Researchers at Duke University and University of Connecticut wrote a mathematical model with open-source software that predicts mutations in bacteria to help design treatments for bacteria resistant to antibiotics. A team of computer scientists and biochemists from the two universities published their findings on 31 December 2014 in Proceedings of the National…

  • Spin-Off Building Simplifed Signal Processing Connections

    16 December 2014. An engineering lab at Columbia University in New York is spinning off a new company aiming to design simpler connections between analog and digital signals as systems get smaller and performance becomes more demanding. Seamless Devices Inc., founded by electrical engineering professor Peter Kinget and former graduate student Jayanth Kuppambatti, began in…

  • 3-D Bio Modeling, Illustration Software Designed

    2 December 2014. Researchers at Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California developed cellPack, software that makes it possible to model and visualize biological matter in three dimensions between the levels of molecules and cells. The open-source software from the lab of Scripps computational biologist Arthur Olson is described in a paper published online yesterday…

  • Big Data Project Seeks to Autocomplete Software Code

    5 November 2014. A new project led by computer scientists at Rice University in Houston aims to apply big data analytics and data mining for software developers to generate code the same way as search engines anticipate or correct the entry of search terms. The 4 year, $11 million initiative is funded by Defense Advanced…

  • IBM, Health Tech, Univ Designing Critical Care Mobile System

    23 October 2014. IBM, University of Michigan, and mobile health technology company AirStrip are developing a system to provide real time monitoring and analytics for patients with chronic or critical disorders. The system is being designed to collect data directly from patients and provide early warning initially for hemodynamic decompensation, a type of heart failure…