Search results for: “law”

  • Kauffman CEO: New Venture Capital Structure Needed

    Kauffman Foundation CEO Tom McDonnell called for a new relationship between venture capital financiers and high-growth start-up enterprises to better reflect the long-term needs of these companies. McDonnell made the remarks in a speech on the state of entrepreneurship in the U.S. at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation…

  • Weaknesses Found in Online Banking, Facebook Security

    Computer scientists at University of London’s Royal Holloway College found what they call major weaknesses in the security protocol for protecting online e-mail, Facebook, and financial transactions. The team led by Royal Holloway information security professor Kenny Paterson say they found the vulnerabilities in the transport layer security protocol designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and…

  • Rare Earths, Materials Hub Set for Ames National Lab

    The U.S. Department of Energy will establish a research center at Ames National Lab in Iowa to find solutions to domestic shortages of rare earth metals and other critical materials for energy security. The $120 million Critical Materials Institute, will bring together for five years researchers from academia, four national laboratories, and the private sector.…

  • DNA Repair Genes Identified as Blood Radiation Indicators

    Medical and engineering researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in California and several universities identified eight genes that can provide a faster diagnosis of potential radiation exposure than current methods. The team led by Andrew Wyrobek of Berkeley Lab’s Life Sciences Division published its findings in a recent issue of the journal PLOS One. The…

  • Study: Insurance Industry Adjusting to Climate Change

    A study by Lawrence Berkeley National Lab in California finds the global insurance industry is taking human-induced climate change seriously and undertaking a variety of actions to limit the impact of climate change on their companies’ finances. Environmental scientist Evan Mills describes his findings in this week’s issue of the journal Science (paid subscription required).…

  • EU Approves Unitary Patent Regulations

    The European Parliament in Strasbourg, France approved draft regulations establishing a common patent system for 25 participating member counties of the European Union. The approved regulations create a unitary patent instrument and govern the language versions of the patent documents. However, EU members Italy and Spain are not taking part in the program. The unitary…

  • Smallest Indium Gallium Arsenide Chip Developed

    Engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology developed a process for creating nanoscale transistors, like those designed for computer logic operations, made of indium gallium arsenide. The team from MIT’s Microsystems Technology Laboratories will discuss its findings later this week at the International Electron Devices Meeting in San Francisco. The team led by electrical engineering professor…

  • MD Anderson, GlaxoSmithKline Partner on Cancer Immunotherapy

    MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, part of the University of Texas, and the global pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline will jointly conduct research leading to new therapeutic antibodies that help the immune system fight cancer. The agreement over its full lifetime could earn MD Anderson as much as $335 million. The agreement gives GlaxoSmithKline exclusive worldwide…

  • Director David Kappos to Leave USPTO

    The director of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office David Kappos announced in an e-mail yesterday to USPTO staff that he plans to leave the agency by the end of January 2013. The news was reported late yesterday by the industry blog, IP Watchdog and confirmed independently by sources at USPTO. Kappos became USPTO director…

  • Special: Patent Office Director — Software Patents Working

    U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) director David Kappos pushed back at complaints about software patents harming American innovation, saying the current patent system has generated “an explosion of innovation.” Kappos discussed software patents today in a speech to the progressive think tank Center for American Progress in Washington, D.C. Kappos answered charges that the…