Tag: materials science

  • Student Project Aims to Land Time Capsule on Mars

    23 June 2014. Students from four U.S. universities — with help from research labs, not-for-profit organizations, and companies — are building a space vehicle to propel and land a time capsule of digital files from earth on the surface of Mars. The Time Capsule to Mars project also plans to raise $25 million through crowdfunding…

  • Lasers Embed Sensors in Smartphone Display Glass

    19 June 2014. Engineers at École Polytechnique de Montréal and Corning Inc. in Corning, New York designed a process for embedding sensors into the display glass covers on smartphones. The research team led by doctoral candidate Jerome Lapointe published its findings in the 30 June 2014 issue of the journal Optics Express, published by Optical…

  • Polymer CO2-Capture Material Devised for Natural Gas Wells

    3 June 2014. Chemists and materials scientists at Rice University in Houston developed a material that inexpensively extracts and captures carbon dioxide, or CO2, from natural gas wells at ambient temperatures. The team led by Rice chemistry and engineering professor James Tour, including colleagues from National Institute of Science and Technology in Maryland, published their…

  • More Efficient Growth Factor Delivery Technique Devised

    29 May 2014. Biologists and engineers at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta developed a new process that delivers tissue-building proteins used in regenerative medicine known as growth factors in much higher concentrations than current methods. The team led by Georgia Tech bioengineering professor Todd McDevitt published its findings online yesterday in the journal Biomaterials…

  • Industrial Scale Graphene Production Process Devised

    23 May 2014. Engineers at University of Michigan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and glass manufacturer Guardian Industries developed a process for producing graphene that overcomes many of the obstacles preventing industrial-scale production of this material. The findings of a research team led by MIT’s John Hart and Guardian’s Vijayen Veerasamy appear online today in the…

  • Trial Shows Polymer Dressing Reduces Surgical Scarring

    15 May 2014. A follow-up study of patients one year after cosmetic surgery shows a polymer adhesive dressing applied after the surgery reduced the formation of scars compared to untreated areas of the incision. The researchers tested the bandage made by Neodyne Biosciences of Menlo Park, California, and reported the results online earlier this month…

  • Electronic Circuits Developed That Become Flexible in Body

    13 May 2014. Engineers and material scientists from University of Texas in Dallas and University of Tokyo in Japan developed electronic circuits encased in polymers that become flexible and adapt their shape to three-dimensional objects when implanted in mammals. The team from the labs of Walter Voit in Dallas and Takao Someya in Tokyo published…

  • Gecko-Inspired Adhesive Sticks to Wide Range of Materials

    18 April 2014. Materials scientists and biologists at University of Massachusetts in Amherst developed an adhesive technology that attaches heavy loads to a variety of surfaces, yet can still be easily removed and reused. The journal Advanced Materials published yesterday online the work of the team led by polymer scientist Alfred Crosby (paid subscription required).…

  • Microparticle Solution Devised to Identify Genuine Goods

    14 April 2014. Engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the affiliated Lincoln Laboratory developed a process for adding minute particles into materials that can be encoded and sensed by inexpensive readers to detect counterfeit goods from the originals. The team from the lab of chemical engineering professor Patrick Doyle published its findings yesterday online…

  • Light-Activated Coating Kills Bacteria, Even in Dark

    25 March 2014. Chemistry researchers at University College London in the U.K. developed a material that when coated on surfaces in the lab can kill bacteria when exposed to light, as well as in total darkness. The team led by UCL chemistry professor Ivan Parkin published its findings online earlier this month in the journal…