Tag: computer science

  • Consortium to Develop Common Neuroscience Data Format

    4 August 2014. A coalition of research institutes and universities working in neuroscience are constructing a common format for sharing data about the brain to make emerging databases more useful to researchers. The Neurodata Without Borders project is an initiative of Allen Institute for Brain Science, California Institute of Technology, New York University School of…

  • Farm Survey Drone System Seeks Crowdfunding Support

    21 July 2014. A system that combines an aerial drone with Android tablet and software designed to survey a grower’s crop fields is seeking crowdfunding contributors. The StitchCam system by San Diego start-up SNAP Vision Technologies LLC is the subject of a Kickstarter campaign, but needs to raise more than $92,000 of its $100,000 goal…

  • Robotic Device Provides Extra Fingers to Enhance Human Grip

    18 July 2014. Engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology designed a glove-like robotic device that adds two more fingers and coordinates with a person’s hand to help with manual activities. Mechanical engineering professor Harry Asada and graduate student Faye Wu discussed the device earlier this week at the Robotics Science and Systems conference in Berkeley,…

  • Novartis Licensing Smart Lens Technology from Google

    15 July 2014. The Alcon division of pharmaceutical company Novartis is licensing the rights to Google’s so-called smart lens technology for medical applications involving the eyes. Financial terms of the licensing agreement between Alcon that develops vision care products for Novartis and Google[x], part of the company’s research labs, were not disclosed. Google[x] announced in…

  • Virtual Reality System Developed to Track Crowd Moves

    8 July 2014. A psychology research group at Brown University in Providence is using virtual reality to detect and document patterns of autonomous individuals taking part in crowds. The system developed by Brown’s Virtual Environment Navigation lab was described last week by its director William Warren in a keynote address at a meeting of the…

  • Big Data Quickly Identify Foodborne Illness Sources

    3 July 2014. Data analysts and public health experts at the IBM research center in San Jose, California developed techniques for faster identification of sources of foodborne diseases from available public health and retail sales data. The team led by IBM’s James Kaufman, the company’s public health research manager, published its findings today online in…

  • Univ at Buffalo Starting Advanced Materials Research Center

    1 July 2014. University at Buffalo in New York is establishing a new materials research department that aims to accelerate the process of bringing advanced materials to market. Buffalo’s Materials Design and Innovation department is a joint project of the university’s engineering and Arts and Science schools, and funded in part by donation of $1.5…

  • Paralyzed Man Moves Hand with Neuro-Signal Implant System

    24 June 2014. Engineers at Battelle Memorial Institute and physicians at Ohio State University medical center in Columbus demonstrated a device that enables people with a spinal cord injury to direct movement of limbs with their thoughts. The research team’s first patient is Ian Burkhart, a 23 year-old man from Dublin, Ohio taking part in…

  • Student Project Aims to Land Time Capsule on Mars

    23 June 2014. Students from four U.S. universities — with help from research labs, not-for-profit organizations, and companies — are building a space vehicle to propel and land a time capsule of digital files from earth on the surface of Mars. The Time Capsule to Mars project also plans to raise $25 million through crowdfunding…

  • Lasers Embed Sensors in Smartphone Display Glass

    19 June 2014. Engineers at École Polytechnique de Montréal and Corning Inc. in Corning, New York designed a process for embedding sensors into the display glass covers on smartphones. The research team led by doctoral candidate Jerome Lapointe published its findings in the 30 June 2014 issue of the journal Optics Express, published by Optical…