Tag: contract

  • NIH Funding Further Marburg Virus Therapy Development

    BioCryst Pharmaceuticals Inc., a developer of drugs for infectious and rare diseases in Durham, North Carolina, says National Institutes of Health (NIH)  is continuing its contract with the company to develop a treatment for Marburg virus, the cause of a rare but dangerous tropical disease. The contract extension, says BioCryst, is worth $2.5 million, increasing…

  • Contract Awarded for Influenza Vaccine and Immune Booster

    NanoBio Corporation in Ann Arbor, Michigan received a new contract from National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of National Institutes of Health, for development of a pandemic influenza vaccine and adjuvant to boost the immune response of that vaccine. The initial contract value is $5.5 million, but the company says it would be…

  • Fuel Cells for Refrigerated Trucks Under Development

    A project combining the efforts of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)  in Richland, Washington with two fuel cell manufacturers is developing fuel cells to power the refrigeration units in refigerated trucks. The companies — Nuvera Fuel Cells in Billerica,, Massachusetts and Plug Power Inc. in Latham, New York — each received a $650,000 matching contract…

  • FDA Funds Organ-on-Chip to Test Radiation Disease Treatments

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration awarded a contract to a Harvard University lab for simulated organ devices to test radiation disease countermeasures. The $5.6 million award will fund the work of Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering from FDA’s research and development program on regulatory science and medical countermeasures initiative. Wyss Institute researchers,…

  • University, Corporation Partnering on Paint-Stripping Robots

    National Robotics Engineering Center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and Concurrent Technologies Corporation in Johnstown, Pennsylvania are developing robotic systems with lasers to strip paint from aircraft. The two-year project is funded by a contract from the National Defense Center for Energy and Environment, part of the U.S. Department of Defense, with participation from the…

  • Contract Awarded for Stem Cell Derived Burn Therapy

    Cytori Therapeutics in San Diego received a contract from Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) for development of a cell therapy to treat thermal burns combined with radiation injury. The contract from BARDA, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has a value of up to $106 million over a…

  • Start-Up Gets Army Brain Injury Field Diagnostics Contract

    BrainScope Company Inc. in Bethesda, Maryland received a U.S. Army contract to develop a medical device to diagnose traumatic brain injuries in the field using smartphone-enabled technology. The $2.67 million contract with the four year-old company runs for two years. The award funds development of a device to help in the triage of patients in…

  • NASA Awards Contracts for Commercial Human Space Flights

    NASA signed new agreements today with three American companies to design and develop the next round of U.S. human space flights, succeeding the Space Shuttle and leading to a launch of astronauts from U.S. soil in the next five years. The agreements, which call for a base development period of 21 months, were made through…

  • Vaccine Developer Awarded Countermeasures Center Contract

    Emergent BioSolutions Inc. in Rockville, Maryland was awarded a contract from Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) to establish a development center for medical countermeasures against public health emergencies. BARDA is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The eight-year contract is valued at $220 million. The agreement will…

  • DARPA Awards $8 Million Synthetic Biology Contract

    The Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded an $8 million contract to Amyris Inc. of California for tools to expand the scope of Amyris’s industrial synthetic biology technology across various biological platforms and cell types. DARPA awarded the contract under its Living Foundries research program. With the Living Foundries program, DARPA…