Tag: statistics

  • Survey: Therapeutic Discovery Project Helps Biotechs

    A survey of executives with biotechnology companies that received grants or credits under the Qualifying Therapeutic Discovery Project indicates the companies benefited from the awards, including the creation of new jobs. The survey of 226 top-level company executives was conducted online by the polling company Penn Schoen Berland, between November 2010 and February 2011, for…

  • AstraZeneca, HealthCore Partner on Health Outcomes Research

    AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals and HealthCore Inc. in Wilmington, Delaware, said today they will collaborate on real-world studies to determine how to most effectively and economically treat disease. HealthCore Inc. is the clinical outcomes research subsidiary of the health insurance company WellPoint Inc. The research is expected to include prospective and retrospective observational studies on disease states…

  • Survey: Workers Use Employer Health Plan for Medical Info

    Most U.S. workers covered by employer- or union-provided health plans go to those plans for medical information, according to a recent survey. The survey, conducted in October 2010 by the National Business Group on Health — an association of more than 300 large employers — had respondents from 1,538 employees at organizations with 2,000 or…

  • Heart Disease Treatment Cost Expected to Triple by 2030

    An economic forecast by an American Heart Association (AHA) panel indicates that the cost to treat heart disease in the United States is expected to triple to $818 billion by 2030 from $273 billion in 2010. The findings are contained in a policy statement published in the online issue of Circulation: Journal of the American…

  • Math Model Analyzes Moving Bottlenecks in Traffic

    A trio of researchers in Italy has developed a mathematical model for a common cause of traffic jams, the slow-moving vehicle, such as a farm tractor or heavy truck, on a crowded highway. The team of Corrado Lattanzio and Amelio Maurizi from University of L’Aquila, with Benedetto Piccoli of Italy’s Institute in Applied Mathematics, published…

  • U.S. Cancer Care Costs to Rise 39 Pct by 2020

    The cost of caring for U.S. cancer patients is expected to rise sharply in the 2010 to 2020 decade, according to an analysis published online in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. The combination of population aging and rising expense rates are projected to push the cost for cancer care to $173 billion, a…

  • Engineering Prof. Computes Available Biofuel Crop Lands

    A detailed land analysis by researchers at University of Illinois in Champaign found that biofuel crops cultivated on available land could produce up to half of the world’s current fuel consumption, without affecting food crops or grazing land for livestock. Engineering professor Ximing Cai and two colleagues published their findings last month in the journal…

  • Consumers Want, Will Pay for Predictive Health Tests

    In a national survey conducted by researchers at Tufts Medical Center in Boston, Massachusetts, consumers indicated they place a high value on information to predict their future health, and may be willing to pay out of pocket to get it. The they survey was funded by the Institute for Health Technology Studies. The findings appear…

  • Researchers to Study Hip Replacement, Jobs, Retirement

    Researchers in Italy, the U.K., and the U.S. will study the impact of hip replacement therapy on the employment and retirement decisions of older adults. The project with participants from Università Bocconi in Milan, University of York in the U.K., and Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland is funded by a…

  • Helicopter Transport Improves Survival of Severely Injured

    The first national study of helicopters to transport injured patients from accidents shows patients delivered to trauma centers by helicopter are more likely to survive than those brought by ground ambulance. The results were published recently in the Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care (paid subscription required). The research, led by Mark Gestring…