Tag: U.K.

  • Cambridge, GSK to Develop Therapies for Lung/Liver Disorder

    University of Cambridge in the U.K. will partner with the global pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline to discover and develop new medicines to treat a genetic disease affecting the lungs and liver. The university is expected to receive an upfront payment, and is eligible for milestone payments and royalties under the agreement, but the amounts of those…

  • Electronic Enhanced Carpet Monitors Walking, Detects Falls

    Researchers at University of Manchester in the U.K. added electronic optical fibers on the underside of carpets to monitor and detect changes in walking patterns that can lead to falls. Patricia Scully, who led the the interdisciplinary team from Manchester’s Photon Science Institute, reports the team’s findings today at the Photon12 conference at Durham University…

  • University to Develop, Commercialize HIV/AIDS Nanomedicines

    Researchers at University of Liverpool in the U.K. are developing nanoscale therapies to treat HIV and AIDS, and collaborating with a company to take the drugs to market. The project is funded by a £1.65 million ($US 2.61 million) grant from the U.K.’s Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. The aim of the project is…

  • Researchers Designing New Drug for Chronic Pain

    An interdisciplinary team from University of Liverpool and the Royal Liverpool University Hospital in the U.K. started research to design a new drug for the treatment of chronic pain. The £1.4 million ($US 2.22 million) grant for the project was awarded by the Medical Research Council, a supporter of medical research in the U.K., backed…

  • University Develops Surgical Blood Capture Device

    Biomedical engineers at University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, U.K. built a device that salvages blood from surgery patients and prepares the blood for retransfusion back to the patient. The HemoSep device, designed for open-heart and major trauma surgery, can reduce the volume and problems connected with donated blood. Current techniques for autotransfusion, as the process…

  • Polymer Materials Discovered That Resist Bacteria Attachment

    Researchers at University of Nottingham in the U.K. and Massachusetts Institute of Technology identified a new class of polymer materials that resist the attachment of bacterial pathogens. The team headed by Nottingham’s Morgan Alexander appears online in the journal Nature Biotechnology (paid subscription required). According to the university, infections related to medical devices, caused by…

  • Targeted Cancer Therapies Result in Fewer Side Effects

    An analysis of data from early-phase clinical trials indicates patients treated with targeted cancer therapies have a lower risk of more serious side effects than with traditional chemotherapy. The findings from researchers at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, U.K., and Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust appear in this month’s issue of the journal…

  • European Venture Volume Up, Science Company Investments Drop

    Venture capital (VC) investment volume rose in the second quarter of 2012 compared to the second quarter of 2011, but the number of VC deals dropped sharply. The number and volume of investments in European science-based companies, says financial industry research service Dow Jones VentureSource, declined by double-digit percentages in the second quarter of 2012…

  • New Method Devised to Predict Distributed Grid Power

    Computer scientists at University of Southampton in the U.K. have developed mathematical techniques that encourage accurate predictions of distributed electric power contributions to regional power grids. The work of Valentin Robu and colleagues from Southampton’s Agents, Interaction and Complexity Research Group was presented this week at the Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Toronto. As…

  • University, Company to Collaborate on Cancer Imaging

    Queen’s University in Belfast, Northern Ireland, U.K., is partnering with start-up company Cirdan Imaging Ltd., also in Northern Ireleand, to develop new imaging tools for the detection and treatment of cancer. As part of the deal, QUBIS Ltd., the university’s technology transfer subsidiary, will take an equity stake in Cirdan Imaging. The agreement involves research…