Tag: U.K.

  • Strategy Proposed for Overcoming Resistance to Cancer Drug

    Researchers in the U.K., with colleagues from the U.S. and Sweden, have recommended a way to overcome the resistance of cancer cells to the drug crizotinib, which recently showed positive results in its first trial in children with cancer. The findings are published online this week in the journal Cancer Cell (paid subscription required). Louis…

  • Bristol-Myers Squibb Buys Amylin, Expands AstraZenca Deal

    The pharmaceutical company Bristol-Myers Squibb in Princeton, New Jersey will acquire diabetes drug maker Amylin Pharmaceuticals in San Diego, California for $31.00 per share or $5.3 billion. Bristol-Myers Squibb will also expand its current collaboration with pharmaceutical maker AstraZeneca in London developing diabetes drugs, using the assets acquired through Amylin. Amylin Pharmaceuticals is expected to…

  • Study: Better Placebo Info Needed for Drug Trials

    An analysis of pamphlets used to inform patients in clinical trials about the studies in which they take part indicates the literature short-changes discussion of placebos, in favor of the treatments being tested. The findings of health researchers led by psychology professor Felicity Bishop (pictured right) at University of Southampton in the U.K. appear in…

  • Display Surface Developed from Air-Water Interaction

    University researchers in Finland and the U.K., and Nokia Research Center in the U.K., have developed an optical display technology based on the ability of a surface structure to repel water. The findings of the team led by physicist Robin Ras (pictured left) of Aalto University in Finland appear online this week in the journal…

  • Consortium Developing Synthetic Biology Technology Platform

    The Flowers Consortium, a group of five universities in the U.K., is developing a common platform technology for synthetic biology. Development of the platform — a basic set of standard technologies, from which specific applications can be designed — is being funded by a grant of some £5 million ($US 7.8 million) from the Engineering…

  • Universities to Examine CO2 Injections for North Sea Oil

    Geoscientists at University of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt University in Scotland, with the British Geological Survey, will examine the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) to recover more oil from North Sea wells, while storing the CO2 underground. The program, called Centre for North Sea Enhanced Oil Recovery with CO2 (CENSEOR-CO2) aims to unlock three billion barrels…

  • Superbug Genetic Code Cracked, Resistance Factor Identified

    Researchers at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston, with colleagues in the U.S. and U.K., have sequenced the genomes of the 12 available strains of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria resistant to the drug vancomycin, and determined the piece of the genome that makes the strains resistant. The team published its findings yesterday in the online…

  • Grant to Fund Research on Network Efficiency Math Theory

    The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council in the U.K. has awarded a £1.6 million ($US 2.5 million) grant to two researchers at University of York to study mathematical theory with applications in electronic communications, including the efficiency of wireless networks. The EPSRC grant will fund the work of York mathematicians Sanju Velani (pictured right)…

  • Faster, Higher Capacity Memory Chip Developed

    Engineers at University College London (UCL), with colleagues in France and Spain, have developed a silicon oxide memory chip that is faster can operate in ambient conditions. The discovery is described online in the Journal of Applied Physics (paid subscription required), and a patent has been filed for the technology. The team led by UCL…

  • Technique Devised to Measure Pipeline Gas Bubbles

    Researchers at University of Southampton in the U.K. have discovered a method to more accurately measure gas bubbles that develop in pipelines. The team led by Tim Leighton of Southampton’s Institute of Sound and Vibration Research describe their findings online in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society A (paid subscription required). Pipelines are used…