Tag: computer science

  • Algorithm Designed for Cars to Alleviate Traffic Jams

    A computer science professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology proposed a mathematical model for monitoring traffic flow in cars to prevent temporary traffic jams that could be implemented with technology already in some vehicles.  Berthold Horn, a faculty member in MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, discussed his algorithm earlier this month at IEEE’s…

  • Jewelry-Like Devices in Development to Enable Mobile Health

    Computer scientists and engineers at Clemson University in South Carolina and Dartmouth College in New Hampshire are collaborating on electronic devices worn like jewelry to improve the capture of data for mobile health applications, while maintaining an individual’s privacy and security. The three-year Amulet project, as the initiative is known, is funded by National Science…

  • DNAnexus, Baylor Partner on Large-Scale Genomic Analysis

    Genomics and bioinformatics researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and analytical services company DNAnexus in Mountain View, California are collaborating on large-scale genomic sequencing for research and clinical applications, with a cloud computing platform. The partnership already processed genomic data from more than 14,000 individuals for a genetics analysis on heart disease and…

  • Consortium Funds Bio-Semiconductor Component Research

    Semiconductor Research Corporation in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina is supporting research at six universities on components performing electronic functions, but based on biological models. The $2.25 million Semiconductor Synthetic Biology research studies will be conducted at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Yale, Georgia Tech, Brigham Young, and University of Washington. Semiconductor Research…

  • Network Analysis Shows Drug Resistant Infection Factors

    Operations researchers and computer scientists at University of Maryland in College Park and American University in Washington, D.C. identified interpersonal network interactions that help spread antibiotic resistant infections through a hospital. Maryland business professors Sean Barnes and Bruce Golden, with American University information technology faculty Edward Wasil, published their findings earlier this month in the…

  • Software Written to Guide Yoga for Vision Impaired

    Computer scientists at University of Washington in Seattle wrote software for Microsoft Kinect game modules that provides spoken feedback for yoga students with little or no vision. The team led by doctoral student Kyle Rector describes the software known as Eyes-Free Yoga next week at ACM’s SIGACCESS International Conference on Computers and Accessibility in Bellevue,…

  • Protocols Linking Underwater Devices to Internet Proposed

    Engineers from University at Buffalo in New York are proposing a common set of wireless protocols for connecting underwater sensors, like those detecting tsunamis, to the land-based Internet. Electrical engineering professor Tommaso Melodia and graduate student Yifan Sun will present their proposal next month at ACM’s International Conference on Underwater Networks & Systems in Taiwan.…

  • Genome Analysis Via Mobile App, Web Site in Development

    A genomics lab at Tel Aviv University in Israel is developing a system making it possible to upload a person’s whole genome and get results analyzed through a mobile app. Tel Aviv graduate students Ofer Isakov and Gershon Celniker in the lab of geneticist Noam Shomron are writing the software that they expect to release…

  • Mid-Air Tactile Sensory Ultrasound Technology Developed

    Computer scientists at University of Bristol in the U.K. developed a system for conveying information through a sense of touch in mid-air without physically touching a screen or device. The team from Bristol’s Interaction and Graphics lab, led by doctoral student Tom Carter will present its findings and demonstrate the technology later this week at the ACM…

  • P&G Seeking Ideas, Partners in Inkjet Printing Challenge

    Procter & Gamble Company in Cincinnati is seeking new ideas for applications of 3-D inkjet printing to add consumer appeal to packaging, as well as collaborators to bring those ideas to fruition. The campaign to find these ideas and partners is contained in a new challenge on InnoCentive, which has a deadline of 30 October…