Tag: special

  • Student Project Aims to Land Time Capsule on Mars

    23 June 2014. Students from four U.S. universities — with help from research labs, not-for-profit organizations, and companies — are building a space vehicle to propel and land a time capsule of digital files from earth on the surface of Mars. The Time Capsule to Mars project also plans to raise $25 million through crowdfunding…

  • Report: Climate Consensus Solid, Sudden Damage Risk Real

    18 March 2014. A new report from American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) underscores the the near-unanimous consensus by scientists that human-caused climate change is happening, and the risks of abrupt and unpredictable damage are increasing. A panel of 10 climate scientists, with partners in the business community, issued the report yesterday. The…

  • Alan Alda to Scientists: “Tell Me a Story”

    16 February 2014. Alan Alda told scientists and colleagues that researchers need to change the way they communicate with non-scientists, to emphasize the stories behind their work, and in personal terms. The award-winning actor, writer, and director gave these words of advice at yesterday’s plenary session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science…

  • Golden Goose Highlights Bipartisan Support for Basic Science

    15 February 2014. Research on black holes in space by a University of Illinois physicist led to development of an early Web browser on which much of today’s browsers are based. That physicist, Larry Smarr, now at University of California in San Diego, is the first 2014 winner of the Golden Goose award to recognize…

  • Science-Based Enterprises: Great Ideas Beat Venture Capital

    14 February 2014. Three entrepreneurs starting companies based on science described how they got their businesses off the ground, with ground-breaking science in many cases more important than a large stash of venture capital. San Diego entrepreneurs John Newsam, Irwin Jacobs, and Han Cao told of their start-up business experiences today at a session of…

  • AAAS Pres: Science Drives Innovation, Economic Growth

    13 February 2014. Phillip Sharp, professor of molecular biology at MIT and president of American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), underscored the tight connection between scientific advancement, entrepreneurship, and economic growth, in the opening plenary session of the AAAS annual conference in Chicago. Sharp described the way scientific discovery feeds the economic engines of…

  • Report: PCORI Needs More Focus on Effectiveness Research

    24 January 2014. A report released today by Center for American Progress, a progressive think tank in Washington, D.C., calls for the organization formed to study comparative effectiveness of treatment options to focus more on the research for which it was created. The Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) was established in a provision of the…