Tag: U.K.

  • U.K., Indian Spin Offs to Partner on Drug Discovery

    InhibOx Ltd. in Oxford, U.K. and COSMIC Discoveries in Hyderabad, India, signed a partnership to offer drug discovery services combining their computational, medicinal, and synthetic chemistry capabilities. Both companies are spin-off enterprises of academic or research institutions — Oxford University and the Institute of Life Sciences, respectively. InhibOx provides computational drug discovery services, and has…

  • Solar/Thermal Power Alternative Being Developed for Soldiers

    A new type of personal power pack in development by six universities in the U.K. could reduce the weight troops carry when engaged on the battlefield. The solar and thermoelectric-powered system aims to weigh up to fifty per cent less than conventional chemical battery packs used by British infantry. The two-year project is being developed…

  • U.K. Company Licenses Harvard Graphene DNA Technology

    Oxford Nanopore Technologies Ltd. in Oxford, U.K. said today it signed a licensing agreement with Harvard University to commercialize graphene technology from Harvard’s labs for DNA sequencing. The company already has a deal with Harvard’s technology transfer office to develop basic sensing methods through solid-state nanopores. Graphene is a robust, single-atom thick lattice of carbon…

  • iPhone App to Test Brain Training in Older Adults

    Researchers at Queen’s University Belfast, in Northern Ireland, U.K.  are studying the value of brain training exercises for older adults with a prototype iPhone application to collect data and test the concept on live users. The Brain Jog app for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch is available as a free download from Apple’s iTunes…

  • New Process Being Developed to Keep Berries Fresh Longer

    A new way of improving the shelf life of soft fruit like strawberries and raspberries is being developed by researchers at universities and industry in the U.K. Food scientists at University of Nottingham are teaming with engineers at Loughborough University and British fruit grower Berryworld to test an anti-bacterial process called cold plasma as a…

  • Univ. Adapts Commercial Technology in Blood Pressure Method

    Researchers at University of Leicester in the U.K. and Singapore medical device manufacturer HealthSTATS International developed a new method of non-surgically measuring blood pressure near the heart. The team published their findings in this week’s issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology (paid subscription required). The traditional cuff-style blood pressure monitor inflates…

  • HSBC Takes Climate Change Research to the Bank

    The international financial company HSBC, headquartered in London, has become a champion of climate change, and says its business benefits as a result. Part of HSBC’s involvement includes committing its staff as volunteers in large-scale climate research projects, a story told yesterday at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science…

  • U.K. Universities to Forecast Reactor Lifetimes

    Materials scientists and engineers from six universities in the U.K. are taking part in a joint project to forecast the life expectancy of the country’s nuclear power reactors. The research team comes from the University of Leeds, with colleagues from the universities of Manchester, Nottingham, Salford, Sussex, and Huddersfield. The project runs for three years,…

  • Nursing Home Liquid, Cream, Inhaler Drug Error Rates Higher

    A study in British nursing homes finds wide variations in medicinal delivery error rates depending on the formulation and type of delivery system. The results are published in the online edition of the journal BMJ Quality and Safety (paid subscription required). The research team from University of Leeds, University of London, and the London School…

  • Research Spin Off Company to Tackle Superbug Infections

    Fixed Phage Limited in Glascow, Scotland has been launched to commercialize a technology for tackling bacterial infection and contamination, including superbugs such as MRSA. That technology was developed at the University of Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences in Scotland. Fixed Phage’s technology is based on research for treatment and prevention of infection and…