Tag: computer science

  • Checklist System Helps Cut Hospital Blood Clot Cases

    Johns Hopkins University medical center in Baltimore reports a computerized checklist system helped prescribe appropriate preventive treatments and reduce the number of blood clots in hospitalized trauma patients. The findings from the project are described in this month’s issue of the journal Archives of Surgery (paid subscription required). The hospital installed a computerized checklist system…

  • Resourceful Robot for High-Level Tasks in Development

    A research team at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta is building a robot with the ability to use objects in its environment to accomplish high-level tasks. The three-year project, being led by computer scientist Mike Stilman, is funded by a $900,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research. “We want to understand the…

  • Faster Whole Genome Sequencing Developed for Infants

    A team led by researchers at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri reported on the first use of a two-day whole-genome sequencing technique for diagnosing genetic diseases in infants. The team that included researchers from University of Missouri-Kansas City, University of Kansas, and Illumnia Inc. in the U.K. described the process in this week’s…

  • USPTO to Station Staff on Cornell New York Tech Campus

    The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) will assign a staff member to the New York City campus of Cornell University, a technology institute being developed in partnership with Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. This USPTO staffer is expected to serve individuals and institutions in the greater New York City region. The USPTO’s Innovation and Outreach…

  • National Lab Builds Android Network for Security Simulations

    Researchers at Sandia National Laboratory in Livermore, California created a virtual network of some 300,000 mobile devices using the Android operation system to study issues related to large-scale network security. Sandia Lab expects to soon demonstrate the MegaDroid network, as its called, for potential industry and government collaborators. “Smartphones are now ubiquitous and used as…

  • Student Start-Up Company Develops Stroke Rehab App for iPad

    Students at four universities in Canada developed an iPad application and started a company to help stroke survivors perform rehabilitation exercises at home. StrokeLink, the name of the company and the app, was part of the 2012 Next 36 program, a Canadian entrepreneurial accelerator for start-ups founded by undergraduates. The StrokeLink app offers stroke patients…

  • University, Companies to Build Medical Analytics Platform

    University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, with four corporate technology partners, will build a comprehensive medical analytics database, integrating data from 200+ diverse research, clinical, and business sources. The two-year project is expected to cost $100 million and include the companies Oracle, IBM, Informatica, and dbMotion. Financial details of the corporate contributions were not disclosed. The…

  • Smartphones Found Feasible Tools for Telemedicine Images

    Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix and clinician colleagues in Arizona found smartphones could exchange acceptable teleradiology images for stroke diagnosis under real-world conditions. The findings from this clinical trial appear online in the journal Stroke. The research, led by Mayo Clinic neurologist Bart Demaerschalk, tested the smartphone application ResolutionMD used to transmit CT…

  • Ninety Minute Forensic DNA Test System Now Available

    IntegenX Inc. in Pleasanton, California, a developer of human DNA identification technology, says its RapidHIT 200 system for DNA testing in criminal investigations is now on the market. The system, which the company says can produce a standard DNA profile in about 90 minutes, is being demonstrated at the International Association of Chiefs of Police…

  • Optical Semiconductor Etching/Monitoring Process Devised

    Engineers at University of Illinois in Urbana created an etching and sculpting process for semiconductors using light that also monitors the etching process in real time. The team led by Illinois electrical and computer engineering professors Gabriel Popescu and Lynford Goddard published its findings today in the journal Light Science and Applications. Chip makers need…