Tag: computer science

  • Renewable Power Storage, Management Modules in Development

    Systems that integrate renewable power sources with battery storage and management modules are being developed for pilot testing at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. The first of the modular systems, with a 50 kilowatt capacity, will be constructed on the Karlsruhe campus by the end of the year. The modular energy systems are being…

  • UC San Diego, Yale to Build Neuroscience Gateway

    University of California in San Diego and Yale University are developing an online gateway to provide high-performance computational tools for neuroscientists. The Neuroscience Gateway project is funded by a three year, $707,000 grant from National Science Foundation. UC San Diego will make available its supercomputer center and Neuroscience Information Framework for neuroscientists to access advanced…

  • NSF Grant to Fund R&D on Wireless Network Chip Connections

    Engineers at Drexel University in Philadelphia are developing semiconductors using wireless connections in a network to exchange data among the chip’s components. The project is funded by a three-year $400,000 grant from National Science Foundation’s Electrical, Communications, and Cyber Systems division. The research is led by electrical engineering professor Baris Taskin (pictured left), who directs…

  • 120-Car Fleet Testing Intelligent Vehicle Network

    A fleet of 120 cars began today a field test in Germany of intelligent vehicle technology. Researchers at Munich Technical University (Technische Universität München, TUM) designed the testing scenarios and will process the data, as part of a larger project involving auto manufacturers, technology providers, universities, and research institutes. The Safe Intelligent Mobility – Test…

  • Virtual Reality Patients Devised to Train Psychologists

    A University of Southern California researcher developed conversational virtual patients with symptoms of clinical psychological disorders that can interact with therapists. Albert “Skip” Rizzo of USC’s Institute for Creative Technologies (pictured right) discussed his research today in a session of American Psychological Association’s annual meeting in Orlando. Because of advances in technology, virtual humans can…

  • ARPA-E to Fund $43 Million for Energy Storage R&D Projects

    Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), in the U.S. Department of Energy, will support 19 new research and development projects to improve the management of energy storage technologies for vehicles and electrical power grids. The projects, totaling $43 million, will be funded out of the Energy Department’s Advanced Management and Protection of Energy Storage Devices (AMPED)…

  • Algorithm Taps Twitter Archive to Find Bullying Cases

    Researchers at University of Wisconsin in Madison developed a method for analyzing Twitter messages to find tweets, as Twitter messages are called, with evidence of childhood bullying. Educational psychologist Amy Bellmore (pictured left) and colleagues from Wisoconsin’s psychology and computer science departments presented their findings at a North American chapter meeting of the Association for…

  • European Venture Volume Up, Science Company Investments Drop

    Venture capital (VC) investment volume rose in the second quarter of 2012 compared to the second quarter of 2011, but the number of VC deals dropped sharply. The number and volume of investments in European science-based companies, says financial industry research service Dow Jones VentureSource, declined by double-digit percentages in the second quarter of 2012…

  • Interactive Time-Lapse Landsat Images Now Available

    Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh developed a capability to assemble and view time-lapse images of earth collected from NASA Landsat satellites over the past 13 years. The team from CMU’s Robotics Institute, working with colleagues at Google and the U.S. Geological Survey, created this feature by extending GigaPan technology for capturing and assembling…

  • Start-Up Licenses National Lab-Developed Network Technology

    Two computer scientists at Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee developed wireless network simulation technology, then started up a company to take that technology to market. Oak Ridge Lab licensed Radio Channel Simulator, or RCSim, technology for software development and commercialization to Networcsim LLC, a company formed by the technology’s inventors James Nutaro and Phani…