Tag: mathematics

  • Crowdsourcing Yields Heart Disease Algorithm

    30 March 2016. Two financial analysts are the winners of a data science competition to write an algorithm that quickly analyzes MRI images of a person’s heart suspected of cardiac disease. The winning algorithm, by Qi Liu and Tencia Lee, was submitted in the second Data Science Bowl, put on by consulting company Booz-Allen Hamilton…

  • Biomarker Profiles Shown to Improve Ovarian Cancer Survival

    14 March 2016. A clinical trial of people with ovarian cancer shows patients receiving treatments matching their particular molecular profiles survived an average of 9 months longer than those receiving one or more drugs not matching their biomarkers. Results of the study, conducted by Caris Life Sciences at 6 cancer care hospitals in the U.S.…

  • Company Hosts Cancer Genome Cloud, Raises $45 Million

    16 February 2016. Seven Bridges Genomics, a computational biology company, unveiled its cloud-based cancer genome data sets, in one of three pilot tests for National Cancer Institute. The Cambridge, Massachusetts enterprise also raised $45 million in its first venture funding round. National Cancer Institute, part of National Institutes of Health, aims to make the Cancer…

  • Harnessing Big Data for Precision Medicine

    13 February 2016. Precision medicine aims to match individualized genomic data with therapies to provide personalized treatments for people with disease. A panel today (13 February) at the American Association for Advancement of Science or AAAS 2016 annual meeting, described how big data — finding insights in large data sets — help make precision medicine…

  • Alliance Creating PTSD Knowledge Base

    11 February 2016. A collaboration of three organizations and companies in the U.S. and Germany is building an authoritative and systematic collection of research on post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. The PTSD KnowledgeMap, as it’s called, is a project of Cohen Veterans Bioscience, Exaptive Inc,. and Fraunhofer Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing, and will…

  • Chip Designed for Efficient, Mobile Neural Networks

    4 February 2016. An engineering lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology designed a new processing chip that could allow running of neural networks on mobile devices. A team led by electrical engineering and computer science professor Vivienne Sze described and demonstrated the new chip on 2 February at the International Solid State Circuits Conference in…

  • Smartphone App Computes Preterm Birth Risk

    18 January 2016. A smartphone app based on recently published research aims to calculate the risk of women giving birth prematurely. The app, called Quipp, was designed at King’s College London in the U.K., and is available free of charge for Apple iPhones. The Women’s Health Clinical Academic Group at Kings College developed Quipp —…

  • Yahoo Releases User Interaction Data for Machine Learning

    14 January 2016. The online company Yahoo is releasing an extensive data set of individual user interactions with some of its popular services to the academic community as raw material for studies of machine learning. The de-identified data sets will be part of Yahoo’s Webscope reference library offered to academic researchers. The data sets cover…

  • Autism App Adapts Facial Analysis Software

    31 December 2015. A research team at Duke University is using facial analysis software routines developed for the U.S. Navy in building a smartphone app to screen for autism. The Duke team, led by engineering professor Guillermo Sapiro, adapted algorithms designed for the Office of Naval Research to analyze emotions displayed through facial expressions. Sapiro…

  • Cancer Genome Data Visualization Tool Developed

    29 December 2015. A bioinformatics team at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital created a Web-based system that illustrates genetic mutations behind pediatric cancers. The software and database in ProteinPaint, as the system is called, are described in a letter in today’s issue of the journal Nature Genetics (paid subscription required). The team led by Jinghui…