Tag: computer science

  • Computer Simulation Models Effects of HIV Policies

    A Brown University epidemiologist developed a computer simulation that can model the spread of HIV in New York City, under various scenarios of interventions. Brandon Marshall (pictured left) discusses his work in two sessions at this week’s International AIDS Society Conference in Washington, D.C. The model creates a community of individual actors, who engage in…

  • GM Developing Wi-Fi Pedestrian Detection Technology

    General Motors says its researchers are developing a new feature for drivers that detects pedestrians and bicyclists on congested streets or in poor visibility, before the driver can see them. The system is based on Wi-Fi Direct, a peer-to-peer wireless standard that makes it possible for enabled devices to communicate with each other without a…

  • University, Company to Develop Advanced Infrared Detectors

    Rochester Institute of Technology in New York received a National Science Foundation grant for research on infrared detectors grown on silicon wafers, with potential applications in astronomy, remote sensing, and medical imaging. The $1.2 million award will fund RIT’s development, fabrication, and testing of a new type of detectors grown on silicon wafer substrates by…

  • New Method Devised to Predict Distributed Grid Power

    Computer scientists at University of Southampton in the U.K. have developed mathematical techniques that encourage accurate predictions of distributed electric power contributions to regional power grids. The work of Valentin Robu and colleagues from Southampton’s Agents, Interaction and Complexity Research Group was presented this week at the Twenty-Sixth Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Toronto. As…

  • $2.6B Venture Fund Aims for Health Care, Energy Companies

    New Enterprise Associates Inc., a venture capital company in Chevy Chase, Maryland, says it has closed its 14th fund with $2.6 billion in capital. New Enterprise says the new fund is its third consecutive property exceeding $2.5 billion, and brings the company’s total committed capital to more than $13 billion across all of its funds.…

  • Model, Software Find Minerals in Mountain Ranges

    A geophysicist at Tel Aviv University in Israel has developed modeling techniques and associated software for discovering minerals in mountain ranges, which are difficult to survey for mining opportunities. Lev Eppelbaum, a professor in the university’s geophysics and planetary sciences department, presented his methods in a paper at a meeting of the European Geosciences Union…

  • Purdue Awards $200K for Research Commercialization

    The Trask Innovation Fund at Purdue University in Indiana has awarded some $200,000 to help Purdue researchers take their discoveries to market. The awards cover research on alternative fuels, pharmaceutical drug dosage forms, assisted reproductive technology, and a mobile app for note-taking. The Trask Innovation Fund is a program of the Purdue Research Foundation to…

  • Network Model IDs Airports Most Likely to Spread Disease

    Engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have built a mathematical model that identifies the U.S. airports most likely to influence the spread of disease early in an epidemic. The findings of the team from MIT’s civil and environmental engineering department are found in the online journal PLoS One. The use of network models to track…

  • Study: Better Medical Device Security Alerts Needed

    Researchers at University of Massachusetts in Amherst and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston (affiliated with Harvard Medical School) uncovered indications that security and privacy problems with medical devices may not be adequately reported or tracked by regulators. The team reported its findings yesterday in the online journal PLoS One. The computer scientists and…

  • Max Planck Licenses 2-D/3-D Technology for Development

    Max Planck Society in Munich, Germany has licensed to TandemLaunch Technologies in Montreal, Canada a new three-dimension display technology that lets viewers see 3-D movies or games in 2-D without glasses to construct the images. Financial terms of the exclusive licensing agreement were not disclosed. Current 3-D images are presented as stereoscopic pictures, with overlapping…