Tag: computer science

  • New Study to Examine Next Generation Mobile Networks

    Researchers at Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly) in Brooklyn received federal, state, and business funding for a study of new wireless technologies that can define the next generation of mobile devices. Funders of the project include the National Science Foundation, Empire State Development Division of Science, Technology and Innovation (NYSTAR), and industry supporters…

  • Grant to Fund On-Board Systems Extending Electric Car Range

    University of California in Riverside has received a one-year $95,000 grant from the California Energy Commission to develop algorithms that find the route requiring the least amount of energy for an electric car’s trip. The research will be done by the Center for Environmental Research and Technology, part of the university’s Bourns College of Engineering.…

  • Algorithms Devised to Aid Inspections of Mines on Ship Hulls

    Engineers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have written algorithms that help underwater robots inspect the hulls of ships for mines as small as an iPod. The findings of mechanical engineering professor Franz Hover and Ph.D. candidate Brendan Englot will appear in a future issue of International Journal of Robotics Research. The algorithms help guide a…

  • Challenge Seeks Algorithm to Predict ALS Progression

    A new challenge competition seeks mathematical tools to predict the progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or Lou Gehrig’s disease based on the patient’s current disease status. The competition, handled through the open innovation company InnoCentive, has a prize of $25,000 and a deadline of 15 October 2012. ALS, which affects 5 out of every…

  • Engineers Develop Robotic Driver-Assist Safety System

    Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology have devised a semiautonomous safety system using robotics to help cars and drivers avoid accidents. Sterling Anderson, a PhD candidate in mechanical engineering and Robotic Mobility Group researcher Karl Iagnemma presented their findings last month at the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium in Madrid, Spain (paid download required). The system…

  • National Lab Seeks Commercial Partner for Diagnostics Tool

    Sandia National Lab in Livermore, California is seeking a partner to commercialize its desktop medical diagnostics technology that the lab says is faster, less expensive, and more versatile than current diagnostics tools. The SpinDx, as it is known (pictured left), can tell in minutes a patient’s white blood cell count, analyze important protein markers, and…

  • Agilent, University, Agencies to Partner on Pathogen Genomes

    Agilent Technologies Inc. in Santa Clara, California is collaborating with University of California in Davis, Food and Drug Administration, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on collecting a database of 100,000 foodborne pathogen genomes. The 100K Genome Project aims to sequence the genetic code of some 100,000 foodborne pathogens over five years, and make…

  • Air Force Grant to Fund Research on Nanomaterials Shaping

    Funding from the U.S. Air Force is supporting multi-disciplinary research on the ability of nanomaterials to change their shape in response to external stimuli, such as heat and light. The $2.9 million grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research will support a project that touches on chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering, led…

  • Janssen to Fund Research/Modeling for Multiple Sclerosis

    Janssen Research and Development, a subsidiary of Johnson & Johnson in Titusville, New Jersey, will sponsor a research and systems modeling project to uncover the genetic and biologic causes of multiple sclerosis. The $5.4 million initiative will be part of Janssen’s Healthy Minds initiative, a program launched in 2011 to accelerate progress on neurologic and…

  • Start-Up Licenses University Patient Medical Software

    The Minneapolis-based start-up Omicron Health Systems Inc. has licensed software written at University of Minnesota for clinical decision making and networking across health-care providers. Financial terms of the licensing agreement were not disclosed. Many electronic health care record systems were first designed for administrative purposes, such as billing and scheduling, and for use only by…