Tag: computer science

  • EPA/NIH Challenge Seeks Air Pollution, Physiology Sensor

    Two federal agencies will award a total of $160,000 for sensors that can map air pollution concentrations, but also provide the physiological responses to those pollutants. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of National Institutes of Health, are sponsoring the My Air, My Health Challenge with InnoCentive,…

  • Math Model Helps Predict Future Medical Problems

    A University of Washington statistician, with colleagues from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Columbia University, have devised a mathematical model that predicts a patient’s possible medical conditions in the future based on the patient’s current and past medical history. The work of Washington’s Tyler McCormick (pictured right), with MIT’s Cynthia Rudin and Columbia’s David Madigan,…

  • MIT, Intel Corp. to Collaborate on Big Data Research

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology will host a new Intel Corporation research center that studies techniques for organizing and making sense of the huge amounts of information generated by Web users and networked sensors. Intel selected MIT from 157 proposals submitted by 55 institutions. The challenge of big data, as this field is often called, has…

  • Company, University Lab Design Thermal Solar Collector

    An engineering company in Madrid, Spain, working with a research group at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), has designed a new central receiver for a solar thermal energy plant recently installed in Spain. Sun to Market is an engineering and IT services company in the solar energy sector that collaborated with UC3M’s Energy Systems…

  • Biotech, Genome Companies Partner on Microbe Outbreaks

    Life Technologies Corp. in Carlsbad, California and OpGen Inc. in Gaithersburg, Maryland have agreed to develop systems, technologies, and applications for the management and surveillance of microbial outbreaks in the public health and infectious disease markets. Life Technologies is a biotechnology company developing diagnostic systems, and OpGen provides genomic and DNA analysis systems and services.…

  • $2.25M Challenge Seeks Health Care Sensing Technologies

    Nokia Corporation, a developer of mobile systems in Espoo, Finland, is sponsoring a challenge to generate innovative ideas for sensing technologies to improve the conduct of health care. The Nokia Sensing X Challenge is conducted with the X-Prize Foundation and has a total prize fund of $2.25 million. The competition seeks ideas for real-time collection…

  • Chip Set Developed for High Speed Wireless Data Transfers

    Computer scientists at Nanyang Technological University and Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) in Singapore have developed a microchip that can transmit large volumes of data at speeds of 2 gigabits per second, or 1,000 times faster than current Bluetooth technology. At that speed, a 2-hour, 8-gigabyte movie could be transferred in about half a minute,…

  • Consortium Developing Synthetic Biology Technology Platform

    The Flowers Consortium, a group of five universities in the U.K., is developing a common platform technology for synthetic biology. Development of the platform — a basic set of standard technologies, from which specific applications can be designed — is being funded by a grant of some £5 million ($US 7.8 million) from the Engineering…

  • Nanotech Fabrication Process Developed for Smaller Chips

    Engineers at Stanford University and two Silicon Valley companies in California have devised a method of creating contact hole patterns for semiconductors that can reduce the size of logic and memory chips, while maintaining their fabrication accuracy. The findings of the team led by Stanford engineering professor H.-S. Philip Wong (pictured left) appear online in the…

  • Japanese Robot to be Adapted for Work with Humans

    Engineers at the Tecnalia Research and Innovation Centre in San Sebastián, Spain will further develop the intelligence of a Japanese humanoid robot to enable the device to work along side humans in European factories. The robot model, known as Hiro — short for Human Interactive Robot — is made by Kawada Industries in Tokyo. The…