Tag: DoD

  • University, Spin-Off Partner on Enviro Flying Robotic Device

    6 March 2014. University of Nevada in Reno and NevadaNano, a spin-off company from the university, are developing an aerial robotic device for environmental sensing and reporting over a large area. The project is funded by a $150,000 Small Business Technology Transfer grant from the U.S. Army. The project combines the university’s expertise in autonomous…

  • Consortium Formed for Antibiotic Resistance Drug Discovery

    A collaboration of Anacor Pharmaceuticals in Palo Alto, California with Colorado State University and University of California in Berkeley is researching new types of antibiotics to treat a broad range of infections, including those resistant to current antibiotics. The $13.5 million, 3.5 year project is funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, part of the…

  • Semiconductor Research Corp, DARPA, Launch University Nets

    Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Virginia unveiled their support for six U.S. university research centers. STARnet, as the program is called, will devote $194 million microelectronics research over five years. SRC is university-company research consortium for semiconductors and related technologies…

  • Augmented Reality Applications Enhanced for Mobile Devices

    Computer scientists at University of California in Santa Barbara are developing augmented reality applications for mobile devices that offer more stable, realistic, and current images than available today. The lab of computer science professors Matthew Turk and Tobias Höllerer (pictured right) recently received a $300,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research to create…

  • University, Corporation Partnering on Paint-Stripping Robots

    National Robotics Engineering Center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and Concurrent Technologies Corporation in Johnstown, Pennsylvania are developing robotic systems with lasers to strip paint from aircraft. The two-year project is funded by a contract from the National Defense Center for Energy and Environment, part of the U.S. Department of Defense, with participation from the…

  • Lab Developing Fabric that Repels Chemical, Bio Agents

    Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California is developing a new material for military wear that repels chemical and biological agents using a fabric made from carbon nanotubes. The five-year, $13 million project is funded by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, with collaborators from MIT, Rutgers, University of Massachusetts, Natick (Mass.) Soldier Research Development and Engineering…

  • Resourceful Robot for High-Level Tasks in Development

    A research team at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta is building a robot with the ability to use objects in its environment to accomplish high-level tasks. The three-year project, being led by computer scientist Mike Stilman, is funded by a $900,000 grant from the U.S. Office of Naval Research. “We want to understand the…

  • Start-Up Gets Army Brain Injury Field Diagnostics Contract

    BrainScope Company Inc. in Bethesda, Maryland received a U.S. Army contract to develop a medical device to diagnose traumatic brain injuries in the field using smartphone-enabled technology. The $2.67 million contract with the four year-old company runs for two years. The award funds development of a device to help in the triage of patients in…

  • Sliding Metal Parts Found to Exhibit Fluid-Like Properties

    Researchers at Purdue University in Indiana found solid pieces of metal that slide over each other to display properties resembling fluids rather than solids. Their research — funded by National Science Foundation, U.S. Army and General Motors — appears in the journal Physical Review Letters (paid subscription required). The team led by materials engineer Srinivasan…

  • National Lab, Software Company Form Text Analysis Subsidiary

    Oak Ridge National Lab in Tennessee formed a subsidiary with Professional Project Services (Pro2Serve), an engineering company in Oak Ridge, to provide text analysis services using software developed at the lab. The software, known as Piranha, performs high-volume document analysis for military and security users. Financial terms of the deal were not disclosed. Piranha analyzes…