Tag: computer science

  • Air Force Funds Moving Target Network Study to Stop Hackers

    Computer scientists at Kansas State University in Manhattan are investigating ways of improving the security of computer networks, by constantly changing their configurations. The project is funded by a five-year grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research valued at more than $1 million. Computing and information schience professors Scott DeLoach, and Xinming “Simon”…

  • Gates Award to Fund Tattoo-Like Pregnancy Monitor Device

    The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded a Grand Challenges Explorations grant for development of an electronic device similar to a tattoo that can continuously monitor the progress of a pregnancy. The award goes to University of California-San Diego bioengineering professor Todd Coleman and materials science and engineering professor John Rogers at University of…

  • HHS Awards First Health Care Innovation Awards

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services revealed the first group of universities, companies, and medical centers to receive Health Care Innovation awards. The three-year cooperative agreements, authorized by the Affordable Care Act, total $122.6 million and are administered through HHS’s Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation. The department says the 26 awardees were…

  • UC-Davis Incubator Spins Off Audio Technology Company

    The business incubator at the University of California in Davis engineering school says an audio technology company is the incubator’s first spin-off to gain funding and begin doing business on its own. Dysonics, founded by emeritus engineering professor Ralph Algazi and colleagues at UC-Davis, is commercializing research conducted in Algazi’s labs. Dysonics plans to develop…

  • Investors to Back Start-Ups That Cut Health Care Costs

    The Paliwoda Group in New York has started a new investment fund that plans to support early-stage companies with solutions aimed at cutting the costs of health care. The company’s Health Tech Fund is now accepting proposals on its Web site. The Health Tech Fund plans to invest in early-stage companies with projects having the…

  • Challenge Seeks Solution for Tracking Electronic Waste

    A challenge on InnoCentive seeks solutions for tracking shipments of used electronic components and subsystems and ensuring that they are disposed responsibly. The crowd-sourced contest will award prizes totaling $10,000 and has a deadline extended to 3 June 2012. The challenge is co-sponsored by IT services company EMC Corporation and the Environmental Defense Fund. Participants…

  • Engineered Nanoparticles Target Drug-Resistant Bacteria

    Researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston have developed nanoscale particles that can deliver antibiotics in larger quantities, but directly to the targeted bacteria to overcome drug resistance. The findings of the engineering, computer science, and health sciences team appear online in the journal ACS Nano (paid…

  • Navigation Module for Inside Buildings in Development

    Engineers at four Fraunhofer institutes and five companies in Germany are building a module for smartphones to help people navigate inside interior spaces, much like a GPS works when outside. The researchers plan to give a demonstration of the MST-Smartsense Sensor (pictured at right) at the Sensor+Test trade fair in Nuremberg held 22-24 May 2012.…

  • NIST Develops New Biometric Communications Protocol

    Computer scientists at National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have developed and published a new protocol for communicating with biometric sensors over wired and wireless networks. Biometric sensors are being used increasingly for security access to and controls on electronic systems and physical facilities. The new protocol, called WS-Biometric Devices (WS-BD), allows desktops, laptops,…

  • NIH Funding Portfolio Evaluated With Investment Metrics

    An interdisciplinary team of business, computer science, and medical researchers tested funding decisions at National Institutes of Health over a 42-year period using measures of investment efficiency from the world of finance. The findings of the team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the investment management firm AlphaSimplex LLC in Cambridge,…