Tag: computer science

  • Naval Lab, Universities Design Firefighting Robot

    The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, D.C., with researchers from Virginia Tech and University of Pennsylvania, are building a humanoid-type robot to fight shipboard fires on new combat vessels. The device is based on the Cognitive Humanoid Autonomous Robot with Learning Intelligence (CHARLI, pictured left) prototype developed at Virginia Tech. The Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting…

  • Grant to Fund R&D on Oil-Producing Plants for Biofuels

    A research team at University of Illinois, with other academic and national lab colleagues, has received a $3.2 million grant to study bioengineering sugar cane and sorghum to produce oil for biofuels. The Department of Energy funding for this project also supports researchers at University of Florida, University of Nebraska, and the Brookhaven National Laboratory,…

  • Universal Vaccines Assessed for Widespread Flu Prevention

    Researchers In the U.S. and the U.K. have developed a simulation model to assess the ability of universal vaccines — those that cover a number of disease variations — to prevent the spread of influenza. The team from Princeton University and Duke University, Imperial College London, National Institutes of Health, and Food and Drug Administration…

  • Math Model Gauges Potential Tylenol Overdose, Liver Damage

    Researchers at University of Utah and Baylor College of Medicine have devised a set of calculus equations to quickly estimate the amount of Tylenol ingested by a patient, and if the patient may need a liver transplant. Their work is scheduled to appear in an upcoming issue of the journal Hepatology. Acetaminophen is the generic…

  • Challenge Seeks Molecular Composition Tool for Electronics

    A new challenge from InnoCentive calls for a technology to determine the chemical composition of everyday electronic devices. This “ideation” challenge — one looking for a breakthrough idea —  has a total prize fund of $8,000 and a deadline of 20 March 2012 for submissions. InnoCentive in Waltham, Massachusetts is a company the conducts open-innovation,…

  • Pharmacist/Tech Initiative Found to Cut Medication Errors

    An initiative led by pharmacists, using information technology was found to reduce more prescription errors by general practitioners than simple automated feedback among patients at risk for these errors. The findings by a team led by University of Nottingham medical professor Tony Avery, himself a practicing G.P. , appear online in the journal The Lancet…

  • Device Improves Wheelchair Control for Spinal Cord Injured

    A system designed at Georgia Institute of Technology enables people with high-level spinal cord injuries to operate a computer and electrically powered wheelchair by moving their tongues. The Tongue Drive, as the system is called, is scheduled for demonstration today by electrical and computer engineering professor Maysam Ghovanloo and colleagues at the IEEE International Solid-State…

  • Braille Texting App for Visually Impaired in Prototype

    Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have built a prototype application for touch-screen mobile devices that aims to be a way of texting without the need to look at a handheld device’s screen. The team led by postdoctoral researcher Mario Romero in Georgia Tech’s interactive computing school will demonstrate the app this weekend at the Abilities…

  • Cell Phone User Locations Open to Hackers via Networks

    Computer scientists at University of Minnesota in Minneapolis have discovered a vulnerability in cellular networks that can allow hackers to follow individual cell phone users without their knowledge. Ph.D. candidate Denis Foo Kune, with fellow student John Koelndorfer and professors Nick Hopper and Yongdae Kim presented their findings earlier this month at the Network &…

  • Device Company, MIT Test Drug-Delivery Implanted Microchip

    Scientists at medical technology developer MicroCHIPS in Walthan, Massachusetts and MIT reported the results of a successful human clinical trial of a programmable and wirelessly controlled implanted microchip to deliver drugs. The results appear online in the journal Science Translational Medicine (paid subscription required). The trial, the first successful test of this type of device,…