Tag: DoD

  • FDA Approves Clinical Trial for H5N1 Vaccine

    Infectious Disease Research Institute (IDRI) in Seattle and Medicago Inc. in Quebec City, Canada say the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved their request to start a clinical trial of a vaccine for the H5N1 avian flu. The early stage — phase 1 — trial will test the safety and ability to generate an immune…

  • Air Force Grant to Fund Research on Nanomaterials Shaping

    Funding from the U.S. Air Force is supporting multi-disciplinary research on the ability of nanomaterials to change their shape in response to external stimuli, such as heat and light. The $2.9 million grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research will support a project that touches on chemistry, biology, computer science, and engineering, led…

  • Georgia Tech/Emory Spin-Off Gains SBIR Funding

    A spin-off company founded by faculty at the biomedical engineering department shared by Georgia Tech and Emory University in Atlanta has received a small-business grant for its technology that protects the delivery of cell-based therapies, such as stem cells. SpherIngenics Inc., also in Atlanta, was awarded the two-year $730,000 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) funding…

  • DARPA Awards $8 Million Synthetic Biology Contract

    The Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has awarded an $8 million contract to Amyris Inc. of California for tools to expand the scope of Amyris’s industrial synthetic biology technology across various biological platforms and cell types. DARPA awarded the contract under its Living Foundries research program. With the Living Foundries program, DARPA…

  • Funding Approved for Piracy, Policing Widget Development

    The U.S. Office of Naval Research will fund development of compact Web applications, called widgets, to help international navies police for pirates and other illegal activities on the high seas. The $1 million award to support the International Collaborative Development for Enhanced Maritime Domain Awareness (ICODE MDA) project is expected to be made this fall…

  • Air Force Funds Moving Target Network Study to Stop Hackers

    Computer scientists at Kansas State University in Manhattan are investigating ways of improving the security of computer networks, by constantly changing their configurations. The project is funded by a five-year grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research valued at more than $1 million. Computing and information schience professors Scott DeLoach, and Xinming “Simon”…

  • Microemulsion Shows Promise for Extending Vaccine Shelf Life

    A U.S. Army medical researcher has devised a new process for mixing vaccine ingredients with the potential for extending the shelf life of vaccines. Maj. Jean Muderhwa (pictured left) , a deputy laboratory director at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, presented his findings yesterday at a meeting of the American Society for…

  • Nanotubes Boost Biosensors for Faster Medical Diagnostics

    Researchers at Oregon State University in Corvallis have adapted carbon nanotubes to increase the speed of biological sensors that can reduce the time and costs for medical lab tests. The team led by physics professor Ethan Minot published their findings last month in the journal Lab on a Chip (paid subscription required). Carbon nanotubes are…

  • Grant to Fund New Program Logic for Flight Data Integration

    A grant from the U.S. Air Force to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York will fund development of computer logic to help create safer and more efficient flight technology. The $100,00 grant was awarded to computer scientist Carlos Varela of Rensselaer’s Data Science Research Center, who is also a licensed pilot (pictured right). Varela’s…

  • Lizard Tail Feedback Boosts Jumping Robot Stability

    A team of biologists and engineers at University of California, Berkeley have documented the way lizards manage to leap successfully even when they slip and stumble, and applied that capability to robots. Berkeley professor of integrative biology Robert Full and colleagues, including graduate and undergraduate students, describe their findings in the 5 January online issue…