Tag: equity

  • Baxter Sets Up Venture Fund for New Therapies

    Baxter International in Deerfield, Illinois has established Baxter Ventures to invest in promising early-stage companies developing therapies that complement Baxter’s product lines. Baxter Ventures will make up to $200 million in equity investments and report to Norbert Riedel, the company’s chief scientific officer. Baxter is a developer of medical devices, pharmaceuticals, and biotechnology solutions. The…

  • 2011 Q2 VC Funding Up for Life Sciences, CleanTech Stalls

    Venture capital (VC) funds and the number of VC deals increased in the second quarter of 2011 compared to the first quarter, with companies in the life sciences and semiconductors among those reaping the benefits. The data were collected by Thomson Reuters and published in the MoneyTree Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and the National Venture…

  • Venture Company to Invest in Early-Stage Science Enterprises

    True North Venture Partners, a venture capital company in Chicago, unveiled today its $300 million investment fund and strategy. The company plans to invest in early stage companies in the energy, water, agriculture, and waste sectors — where products and services are often based on scientific research findings — with amounts invested ranging from $100,000…

  • Fewer VCs in U.S. Raise More Funds in First Half of 2011

    According to Thomson Reuters and National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), the number of venture capital companies raising money in the first six months of 2011 dropped sharply, but the amount of funds collected also rose sharply compared to the first half of 2010. Venture capital (VC) companies are often sought out to invest in early-stage…

  • University Spin-Off to Develop Semiconductor Power Devices

    Anvil Semiconductors Ltd, a company created by University of Warwick in Coventry, U.K., will develop silicon carbide (SiC) semiconductor power switches that promise to be smaller and more efficient than devices built on traditional silicon. The company was founded by Warwick engineering faculty Phil Mawby and Peter Ward, who designed the company’s development technology in…

  • Venture Exits Down, Capital Volumes Up in Second Quarter

    The number of companies backed by venture capital achieving liquidity fell in the second quarter of 2011, but the amount of capital raised in the process rose significantly in that period. These data on venture-backed exits — companies gaining financial independence, usually through merger and acquisition (M&A) or initial public offering (IPO) — are compiled…

  • University Start Up Commercializes Feeding Tube Research

    A start up company founded by a University of Utah medical researcher is developing a feeding tube for patients that reduces the risks and casualties from misplacement. The company, Veritract Inc. in Salt Lake City, was started by John Fang, clinical director of the university’s gastroenterology division. The privately held Veritract is developing what they…

  • GE Technology Selected for First Gas/Wind/Solar Power Plant

    GE says it will provide the basic technology for a power plant in Turkey that generates electricity with a combination of natural gas, wind, and solar power. The plant, to be built by MetCap Energy Investments, a Turkish development company, is expected to provide power for more than 600,000 homes when it goes online in…

  • $100 Million Investment Fund Set for Second-Stage Companies

    Stage 2 Innovations, a new venture capital fund, and Automation Alley, a technology business group in Troy, Michigan, will identify companies for funding to support large-scale commercialization. The fund will support entrepreneurs with proven technologies that need financing to take their discoveries to the global market. Tom LaSorda (pictured right), former President and CEO of…

  • Lilly Spins Off Biotech to Develop Sepsis Drug

    Eli Lilly and Company in Indianapolis, Indiana has signed agreements with private investors Care Capital and NovaQuest Capital to establish BioCritica Inc., a new biotechnology company. BioCritica will initially focus on the continued U.S. development and commercialization of Xigris — drotrecogin alfa (activated) — Lilly’s medicine for severe sepsis. Under the agreement, BioCritica will acquire…