Tag: mathematics

  • Companies, University Team-Up on Drug Side Effects Model

    Researchers at University of California in San Francisco, with colleagues from San Francisco start-up SeaChange Pharmaceuticals and the drug company Novartis, have devised a computer model that predicts adverse reactions to drug compounds, based on the chemistry of the drugs and known molecular causes of side effects. The team’s findings appear online in the journal…

  • Math Model Helps Predict Future Medical Problems

    A University of Washington statistician, with colleagues from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Columbia University, have devised a mathematical model that predicts a patient’s possible medical conditions in the future based on the patient’s current and past medical history. The work of Washington’s Tyler McCormick (pictured right), with MIT’s Cynthia Rudin and Columbia’s David Madigan,…

  • International Consortium Studies Corn Genome

    A collaboration of genetic and agricultural scientists from the U.S., Mexico, France, Kenya, and China have conducted a comprehensive analysis of the corn genome. The team, led by researchers from Cornell University and the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, and funded by USDA and National Science Foundation, published their findings online in the journal Nature Genetics…

  • Lean Management Helps Improve Surgery Efficiency, Morale

    Researchers and clinicians from University of Michigan medical school and health system in Ann Arbor adapted lean management concepts from industry to one hospital operating room and found improved efficiency and morale, with implications for increasing hospital capacity and revenues. The results of the study appear online in the Journal of the American College of…

  • Consortium Developing Synthetic Biology Technology Platform

    The Flowers Consortium, a group of five universities in the U.K., is developing a common platform technology for synthetic biology. Development of the platform — a basic set of standard technologies, from which specific applications can be designed — is being funded by a grant of some £5 million ($US 7.8 million) from the Engineering…

  • Grant to Fund Research on Network Efficiency Math Theory

    The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council in the U.K. has awarded a £1.6 million ($US 2.5 million) grant to two researchers at University of York to study mathematical theory with applications in electronic communications, including the efficiency of wireless networks. The EPSRC grant will fund the work of York mathematicians Sanju Velani (pictured right)…

  • Technique Devised to Measure Pipeline Gas Bubbles

    Researchers at University of Southampton in the U.K. have discovered a method to more accurately measure gas bubbles that develop in pipelines. The team led by Tim Leighton of Southampton’s Institute of Sound and Vibration Research describe their findings online in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society A (paid subscription required). Pipelines are used…

  • U.S. Obesity Rate Expected to Rise to 42% by 2030

    Public health researchers at Duke University, RTI International in North Carolina, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention forecast that by 2030, the percentage of Americans considered obese is expected to rise by a third, with adverse health and financial implications. The team’s findings appear today online in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.…

  • Navigation Module for Inside Buildings in Development

    Engineers at four Fraunhofer institutes and five companies in Germany are building a module for smartphones to help people navigate inside interior spaces, much like a GPS works when outside. The researchers plan to give a demonstration of the MST-Smartsense Sensor (pictured at right) at the Sensor+Test trade fair in Nuremberg held 22-24 May 2012.…

  • NIH Funding Portfolio Evaluated With Investment Metrics

    An interdisciplinary team of business, computer science, and medical researchers tested funding decisions at National Institutes of Health over a 42-year period using measures of investment efficiency from the world of finance. The findings of the team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, and the investment management firm AlphaSimplex LLC in Cambridge,…