Tag: computer science

  • Electronic Film Implant Designed to Monitor Brain Functions

    Medical and engineering researchers from the U.S., Korea, and China have developed a thin, flexible electronic film that can monitor brain activity without the use of penetrating electrodes. The team’s findings appear online in the journal Nature Neuroscience (paid subscription required). The film (illustrated left), about one-quarter the thickness of a human hair, contains 720…

  • GE, Illinois Tech to Partner on Wind Energy Management

    GE’s software division will collaborate with researchers from Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) to devise better monitoring and diagnostic methods for the management of wind farms. The project is part of IIT’s University-Industry Consortium for Wind Energy funded by Department of Energy. The two-year project aims to help wind farms reduce maintenance costs and improve…

  • Wearable Device Captures Food Intake, Lifestyle Patterns

    A device developed at University of Pittsburgh allows people battling obesity to track their food consumption and physical activities without keeping separate records. The eButton, as the NIH-funded device is called, is now a prototype in pilot testing, and the result of research by Pittsburgh biomedical engineer Mingui Sun. The eButton, worn on the chest…

  • Universities, Companies Partner on Data Center Power Use

    Three U.S. universities have joined with 15 companies in a collaborative research center to increase energy efficiency and help create a greener electronics industry. Researchers at Binghamton University in New York, Villanova University in Pennsylvania, and University of Texas at Arlington are the institutions taking part in the Industry/University Cooperative Research Center in Energy-Efficient Electronic…

  • Honda Advances Autonomous Humanoid Robot and Robot Arm

    Robotics engineers at Honda Motor Company in Japan have developed more advanced capabilities for ASIMO, its humanoid robot, and released an early version of a task-performing robot arm. The experimental robot arm is designed to be remotely controlled for tasks in unstable places which are difficult for people to access. The new version of the…

  • Algorithms Track Individual Athletes During Sports Events

    Computer algorithms developed by Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland make it possible to visually track individual players in action on sports teams. The technology developers, from EPFL’s Computer Vision Laboratory, present their findings today at the International Conference on Computer Vision in Barcelona. The system can track multiple players in fast-moving sports…

  • Researchers Give Robotics a Human Face

    Research engineers at Technical University of Munich (Technische Universitaet Muenchen, TUM) in Germany and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology in Japan have developed a way to give robots a human-like plastic head. Called Mask-bot, the technology may have a more immediate application as a tool to create avatars for participants in…

  • Driver Health Monitors Developed for Passenger Cars

    A research team at the Technical University of Munich (Technische Universitaet Muenchen, TUM) in Germany and the BMW Group devised a sensor system that can monitor the driver’s state of health while driving. The scientific team led by TUM’s professor Tim Lueth published their findings in a recent issue of the technical journal ATZ Online…

  • National Lab, MIT Launch Materials Discovery Database

    Researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have developed a database to accelerate discovery and development of new materials in critical technologies. The Department of Energy database, part of an initiative called the Materials Project, will be available to scientists and engineers at universities, national laboratories, and private industry. Parts…

  • Roche, DexCom to Partner on Insulin Delivery Systems

    Roche Diagnostics, a division of the global pharmaceutical company, and DexCom Inc. in San Diego have agreed to develop an insulin delivery system for diabetics that combines the companies’ technologies. Roche also agreed to distribute DexCom’s glucose monitoring system for health care professionals. The two companies aim to integrate DexCom’s continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology…