Tag: computer science

  • Pharma, Technology Lead Worldwide Corporate R&D Rebound

    Research and development spending by the largest 1,400 corporate R&D spenders worldwide increased by more than 4 percent to €465 billion ($US 630 billion) in 2010, reversing a nearly 2 percent decline in 2009. The data are compiled in the European Commission’s EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, released today. Pharmaceuticals/biotechnology, technology hardware, and automotive companies…

  • Carnegie Mellon, Microsoft Develop Touch-Screen Projection

    Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh and Microsoft’s research labs have developed OmniTouch, a device that projects touch screen capability on any flat surface. Chris Harrison, a computer science Ph.D. student and a developer of OmniTouch, will discuss the system on Wednesday at the Association for Computing Machinery’s Symposium on User Interface Software and…

  • Harvard Program to Apply Systems Approach to Drug Discovery

    Harvard Medical School is launching an Initiative in Systems Pharmacology, to develop what it calls a comprehensive strategy to transform drug discovery. The program aims to reverse the slowdown in the development of new therapies and involve a range of disciplines and methods outside the usual collection of life scientists and clinicians. Marc Kirschner, who…

  • L-3, Virginia Tech to Partner on Cyber Security R&D

    L-3 Communications, a government national-security  electronics contractor, says it has formed a partnership with Virginia Tech on research and development related to cyber security. The collaboration will include locating L-3’s new Cybersecurity Solutions Center at Virginia Tech’s research facility in Arlington, Virginia. The company says it will undertake joint research with Virginia Tech leading to…

  • University, Industry Team Demonstrates Robotic Biologist

    Researchers from two universities and a research company have demonstrated an automated system that can analyze raw experimental biological data and derive the mathematical equations that describe the way the system operates. The team from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and CFD Research Corp. in Huntsville, Alabama published their results…

  • Intelligent Vehicle Highway Test Planned in Germany

    The largest on-road test of intelligent vehicles is planned for Spring of 2012, according to Technical University of Munich (Technische Universität München, TUM), one of the participants. The exercise involving 120 cars and trucks will test vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastracture communication on Germany’s streets and roads. The test fleet will be equipped with the Safe and…

  • Google to Partner with, Finance DNA Sequencing Data Company

    DNAnexus Inc., a DNA data management and analysis company in Mountain View, California, says it will collaborate with Google Inc. to provide access to its archive of publicly available DNA data. Also today, DNAnexus announced it has secured $15 million in second-round equity funding from a syndicate led by Google Ventures and life sciences venture…

  • Roche to License University DNA Sequencing Technology

    The Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche has agreed to license DNA sequencing technology developed at Arizona State and Columbia universities to help build a new type of DNA sequencing system. One goal of the system will be to quickly decode a person’s complete genome for less than $1,000. The licensed technologies are based on research conducted…

  • Smartphone Isolates Apps into Business and Personal Sections

    Computer scientists and engineers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT) and Center for Advanced Security Research (CASED) in Darmstadt, Germany have developed smartphone software with separate business and personal areas. The team plans to discuss their research next week at it-sa (IT security) trade fair in Nuremberg. The work of the Fraunhofer…

  • SBIR Grant Awarded to Rutgers Spin-Off for Biopsy Imaging

    National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded a spin-off company from Rutgers University in New Jersey a small-business grant to develop a quick and economical analysis of tissue from breast cancer biopsies. The grant of $207,000 to Ibris Inc. of Piscataway, New Jersey, was made through through NIH’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. Ibris…