Tag: psychiatric

  • Detailed Brain Activity Imaging Being Developed

    17 December 2015. An engineering group at University of Arizona is developing a new technology that promises to provide better images of electrical activity in the brain. The project, led by Arizona biomedical engineering professor Russell Witte, is funded by a three-year, $1.15 million grant from National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, part of…

  • Brain Tissue Banks Partner on Autism Research

    18 November 2015. Two repositories of brain tissue for research on neurological disorders agreed to coordinate their donation and distribution policies for studies of autism. The agreement aims to bring into alignment policies and practices of NeuroBioBank at National Institutes of Health and Autism BrainNet, a private tissue bank. The deal covers brain tissue samples…

  • Trial Testing MRI Depression Treatment with Teens

    2 November 2015. A new clinical trial is recruiting adolescents with major depressive disorder to test a therapy using magnetic resonance imaging impulses. The study is testing the NeuroStar TMS Therapy System, already approved for adult patients with major depressive disorder who do not respond to medications. Depression is a widespread condition, which when it becomes…

  • Novartis Licensing Depression Therapy Technology

    19 October 2015. Luc Therapeutics, a biotechnology company designing treatments for psychiatric and neurological disorders, is licensing part of its technology to the pharmaceutical company Novartis to develop treatments for depression. Dollar amounts paid under the agreement to Luc Therapeutics, in Cambridge, Massachusetts, were not disclosed. Depression is a widespread condition, which when it becomes…

  • Antipsychotic Drug Savings Expected as Patents Expire

    21 August 2015. Medicaid is expected to save nearly $3 billion by the year 2019 from patents expiring on leading branded antipsychotic drugs, and as generic forms of those drugs replace them. Researchers from University of Maryland medical school in Baltimore made those calculations in a paper published last month in the journal Psychiatric Services…

  • Genetic Test Found to Save Drug Expense, Boost Adherence

    13 August 2015. A genetic test to guide the choice of drugs prescribed to patients with psychiatric disorders was found to reduce the cost of medications to those patients and improve adherence to the drugs prescribed, compared to patients who were not given the test. Results of the study evaluating the GeneSight test, made by…

  • University Faculty Design Mood-Tracking Mobile App

    11 August 2015. Faculty at University of Missouri in psychiatry and computer science built a smartphone app that allows people with depression to track their moods and share the data with their psychiatrists. The app, known as MoodTrek, is available free of charge on Android phones. An iPhone version is planned for the future. The…

  • FDA Approves Four-Times-Per-Year Schizophrenia Drug

    19 May 2015. Food and Drug Administration approved for sale in the U.S. a drug for controlling schizophrenia symptoms that individuals need to take only four times per year. Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a division of Johnson & Johnson, markets the three-month version of the drug paliperidone palmitate under the brand name Invega Trinza. Schizophrenia is a…

  • Trial Testing Mobile Apps for Mood Management

    9 April 2015. A lab at Northwestern University medical school developed a collection of mobile apps for helping people cope with feelings of depression and anxiety, and is testing the apps as personalized interventions in a clinical trial. The study is led by David Mohr, director of Northwestern’s Center for Behavioral Intervention Technologies, who is…

  • Trial Shows Drug Reduces Depression in One Day

    27 January 2015. A clinical trial testing a new drug to treat major depressive disorder shows the drug improved symptoms in patients after a single dose within one day. The intermediate-stage trial was conducted by Naurex Inc., a biopharmaceutical company in Evanston, Illinois and a spin-off from Northwestern University. Naurex develops drugs for diseases of…