Tag: semiconductors

  • Implanted Heart Membrane Device Created by 3-D Printer

    25 February 2014. Engineers and medical researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and University of Illinois in Champaign used a three-dimensional printer to create a membrane that fits over the heart, with electronic components to monitor its functions. The team led by Washington University’s Igor Efimov and Illinois’s John Rogers published its findings today…

  • Chip Designed to Capture Images Inside Heart, Blood Vessels

    19 February 2014. Engineers at Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta designed and lab-tested a microscopic chip to create real-time, three-dimensional images from inside the heart and blood vessels. The team led by mechanical engineering professor Levent Degertekin, with colleagues from Georgia Tech and Istanbul Technical University in Turkey, published its findings in this month’s issue of…

  • Science-Based Enterprises: Great Ideas Beat Venture Capital

    14 February 2014. Three entrepreneurs starting companies based on science described how they got their businesses off the ground, with ground-breaking science in many cases more important than a large stash of venture capital. San Diego entrepreneurs John Newsam, Irwin Jacobs, and Han Cao told of their start-up business experiences today at a session of…

  • Columbia Team to Study Electric Power Switching Transistors

    An engineering research group at Columbia University in New York received a $3 million grant from U.S. Department of Energy to create high-power electric switching devices with the speed and efficiency of electronic transistor circuits. The team led by electrical and biomedical engineering professor Ken Shepard — that includes members from MIT, IBM, and the…

  • Consortium Funds Bio-Semiconductor Component Research

    Semiconductor Research Corporation in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina is supporting research at six universities on components performing electronic functions, but based on biological models. The $2.25 million Semiconductor Synthetic Biology research studies will be conducted at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Yale, Georgia Tech, Brigham Young, and University of Washington. Semiconductor Research…

  • Who’s a Patent Troll? You’ll be Surprised by the Answer

    Nobody likes patent trolls, the “non-practicing entities” accused of filing lawsuits with questionable infringement claims aimed at extorting settlements from companies just trying to do business. A conference today in Washington, D.C. sponsored by Innovation Alliance — a group promoting a strong U.S. patent system — featured a panelist who would under some definitions be…

  • Computer System Built with Carbon Nanotube Circuitry

    Engineers at Stanford University in California created a basic computer system of circuits made from carbon nanotubes rather than conventional semiconductors built on silicon. The team led by Stanford electrical engineering professors Subhasish Mitra and H.S. Philip Wong published its findings online today in the journal Nature (paid subscription required). As silicon semiconductors became smaller and packed more…

  • Graphene Photodetector Integrated with Semiconductor Chip

    Researchers at Vienna University of Technology and Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria built a detector and converter of optical signals with graphene into a traditional semiconductor chip, making it easier to integrate optics and electronics in a single device. The team led by Vienna’s Thomas Mueller published its findings online this week in the…

  • TV, Cellular Signals Harnessed for Power, Communications

    Computer scientists and engineers at University of Washington in Seattle developed a wireless process that harnesses existing television and cell phone signals as sources of power and a way of communicating. The team led by computer science professors Shyam Gollakota and Joshua Smith describes the process in a paper at ACM’s Special Interest Group on…

  • Thin Illuminating Touch-Sensitive Electronic Film Developed

    Engineers and materials scientists at University of California in Berkeley created an interactive electronic film with a network of pressure sensors built into flexible plastic. The findings from the lab of Berkeley engineering professor Ali Javey, with colleagues from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, appear online in yesterday’s advance issue of the journal Nature Materials (paid…