Tag: computer science

  • High-Capacity Bandwidth Provided for Research Institutions

    The networking company Level 3 Inc. in Broomfield, Colorado will provide high-bandwidth fiber optic network capacity for the Internet2 consortium’s network supporting research and educational institutions. Internet2, in Ann Arbor, Michigan, is an advanced networking consortium of 200 U.S. universities as well as corporations, government agencies, national labs, and other regional and local institutions. Under…

  • Sensors, Computer Controls Reduce Building HVAC Energy

    A computer engineer at University of California in San Diego (UCSD) looked no further than his own office building to conduct research on the use of sensors and computer algorithms to better control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Yuvraj Agarwal and his colleagues at UCSD presented their findings yesterday at an Information Processing…

  • Faster Process Developed for Ultrasound Materials Testing

    Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing (IZFP) in Saarbrücken, Germany have developed a faster process for testing industrial materials with ultrasound. The new methods provide three-dimensional images at up to 100 times the speed of conventional ultrasound. Ultrasound now has the technical capability to be a quality assurance tool for industrial materials —…

  • New Pilots’ Forecast Computes In-Flight Icing Chances

    Researchers at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) in Boulder, Colorado has developed a computer-generated forecast that provides pilots with information on the chance of encountering dangerous in-flight icing conditions. The Federal Aviation Administration provided funding for the project. Each year in the United States, 20-40 aircraft accidents are linked to in-flight icing encounters,…

  • Smartphone App Gives Voice to Those Who Cannot Speak

    Students at University of Toronto in Canada have designed a smartphone application that merges a voice synthesizer with a GPS to give people who cannot speak the words they need. The app, called MyVoice, is available for the iPhone, with an Android version in development. MyVoice is an assistive and augmentative communication device that adds…

  • Dell Inc. to Open Silicon Valley R&D Center

    Dell Inc., a computer manufacturer in Round Rock, Texas announced plans to open a new research and development center in in California’s Silicon Valley. The company says the new Santa Clara facility is expected to grow to 1,500 employees over the next five years. The Dell Silicon Valley Research and Development Center will focus on…

  • Hospital-Community Partnership Cuts Heart Disease 24%

    A collaboration of health systems and the town of New Ulm, Minnesota, has resulted in a 24 percent reduction of heart disease in the community over 15 months. The findings were presented at a meeting of the American College of Cardiology on 3 April. The initiative — called Hearts Beat Back: The Heart of New…

  • Engineers Increase Computer Program Speed, Retain Safety

    Researchers at North Carolina State University in Raleigh have developed a software tool that helps computer applications run more efficiently without sacrificing safety features that previously slowed down their performance. The faculty/student team will discuss this process on 5 April at the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization in Chamonix, France. Application software programs…

  • iPhone App Helps Doctors Deal with Cardiac Emergencies

    A study of an iPhone application giving emergency medical instructions suggests that the app helps doctors perform better in a simulated cardiac arrest case. The results of the study appear online in the journal Anaesthesia. The iResus app was developed by the U.K.’s Resuscitation Council and offers guidelines on medical emergency responses for adults and…

  • Prof. Develops Open-Space Laser Transmission Technology

    An emerging technology for transmitting data with lasers through open space is being developed at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, New Jersey. The technology that aims to exceed the communications capabilities of fiber-optic transmission without the fiber is being studied by physics and engineering professor Rainer Martini (pictured left), who has also started a…