Search results for: “law”
Bio-Electric Regeneration Company Adds $8M in Seed Funds
A start-up enterprise, spun-off from Tufts University labs, creating bio-electrical treatments for regenerating limbs and tissue, is raising $8 million in new seed funds.
Autism Device Company Gains Venture Funds, Joins Incubator
A new company creating precision light-activated treatments for autism spectrum disorder symptoms is raising more seed funds and joining a start-up incubator program.
Venture Investor to Back Semiconductor Start-Ups
A technology investment company is partnering with a Silicon Valley incubator program to support start-up businesses developing new types of semiconductors.
Trial Begins Testing RNA Hepatitis-B Treatment
A clinical trial is underway testing the safety and chemical activity of a hepatitis-B therapy using engineered RNA to block production of a key protein linked to the disease.
Patent Issued for Crispr-Edited Viruses in Microbiome
A biotechnology company developing gene-edited therapies for bacterial infections in the gut received a U.S. patent for viruses engineered as treatments.
Start-Up Licenses Gene-Edited Drug Discovery Tech.
A new company is acquiring a technology using genome-edited tadpoles that finds current drugs addressing precise genetic conditions underlying rare diseases.
NIH Funds Decentralized Rare Disease Data Network
A start-up company is building a secure decentralized network of genomic and other medical data on rare diseases, funded by a fast-track award from an NIH agency.
Addiction Biotech Using Crowdfunding for Investments
A start-up enterprise developing treatments for drug and alcohol addiction is raising investment capital with a direct pitch to small investors through a crowdfunding platform.
Exec. Order Aims to Boost U.S. Biotech, Manufacturing
An executive order issued by President Joe Biden yesterday seeks to make biotechnology and biomanufacturing a centerpiece of the American economy.
Level Up As An Entrepreneur
As a start-up or a small company, it is nearly impossible to do anything in the business world in isolation.