Month: April 2013

  • Study: Solar Panel Industry Now a Net Energy Producer

    The global photovoltaic industry has reached a point where solar panels are now likely generating more energy than needed to produce the panels, concludes a new study by Stanford University’s Global Climate and Energy Project. The findings of postdoctoral fellow Michael Dale and project director Sally Benson appear in the 2 April issue of the…

  • Common Virus Fortifies Stem Cells, Improves Their Survival

    Medical researchers at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina and others devised a method for improving the survival of stem cells in the body, making them more effective therapeutic agents. The team led by Graca Almeida-Porada of Wake Forest’s Institute for Regenerative Medicine published their findings last week in the online journal PLoS One.…

  • Student Develops Heart Health Management Smartphone App

    An undergraduate student at Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey led the development of a smartphone app to help heart patients prevent and manage heart failure. Shannon Patel, a registered nurse at AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center in Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey and bachelor of science candidate at Rutgers-Camden, led the team that developed the…

  • FDA Approves Type 2 Diabetes Drug, Orders More Studies

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved on Friday the drug canagliflozin, taken in tablet form to improve control of blood glucose by adults with type 2 diabetes. Canagliflozin is marketed under the name Invokana by Janssen Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Raritan, New Jersey, a division of Johnson & Johnson. Mary Parks, who directs FDA’s metabolism…