Tag: U.K.

  • Lab Tests Indicate Inhaled Carbon Nanotubes Pose Cancer Risk

    Researchers at University of Edinburgh in Scotland found some types carbon nanotubes could cause cancer if inhaled. Ken Donaldson, a toxicology professor at Edinburgh, and colleagues published their findings in the June 2011 issue of the American Journal of Pathology (paid subscription required). Carbon nanotubes are a type of nanoscale material (1 nanometer equals 1…

  • Researchers to Study Blood Transfusion Risk in the U.K.

    Researchers in the U.K. will examine the risks and benefits of receiving blood or blood products, including the need for patients to give informed consent before receiving blood. The study will be a collaboration between Helen Busby at the University of Leicester, Julie Kent at University of the West of England in Bristol, and Anne-Maree…

  • International Consortium Sequences Wheat Pathogen Genome

    A group of agricultural scientists has sequenced the genome of a pathogen that causes the wheat disease septoria tritici blotch, responsible for severe crop losses. Their findings appeared 9 June 2011 in the journal PLoS Genetics. The consortium, led by USDA plant pathologist Steven Goodwin included researchers from the U.S., Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Iran,…

  • Prototype U.K. Medical Records Card/Stick Developed

    Two universities in the U.K. have developed a prototype smart card fitted with mass memory stick containing an individual’s medical records. The MyCare Card prototype was developed by City University London and Coventry University, with funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The MyCare Card, pictured left,  stores personal medical data, such…

  • Stem Cell Bandage Approved for Clinical Trial

    The U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency approved for clinical trial a new type of stem cell bandage to treat torn knee cartilage. The experimental bandage is made by Azellon Ltd, a spin-off company from University of Bristol in the U.K. The bandage developed by Azellon repairs torn meniscal cartilage in the knee, a…

  • Hydrogen for Energy Generated from Ethanol, Sunlight

    A team of researchers from Scotland, New Zealand, and Spain have developed a simpler and less expensive technology to generate hydrogen for energy. Their findings appear online in the journal Nature Chemistry (paid subscription required). In this process, a solid photocatalyst is placed in a container with ethanol and exposed to ultraviolet light, part of…

  • So-Called Legal High Drugs on Internet Found Phony, Illegal

    A chemistry professor in the U.K. has found many drugs sold as “legal highs” on the Internet do not contain the ingredients they claim, and some contain controlled substances, for which Internet sales are illegal. Mark Baron, lecturer in chemistry at University of Lincoln published his findings online in the journal Drug Testing and Analysis…

  • U.K. University Offering Space Data for Smaller Companies

    The University of Leicester in the U.K. is making available Earth observation data from a European Union space program to small and medium-sized businesses in the East Midlands, where the university is located. The university’s Space Technology Exchange Partnership will develop practical uses of data generated from the EU’s Global Monitoring for Environment and Security…

  • Allos, Mundipharma to Collaborate on Cancer Drugs

    Allos Therapeutics in Westminster, Colorado and Mundipharma International Corp. Ltd in Cambridge, U.K. have agreed to co-commercialize the drug Folotyn developed by Allos, a biopharmaceutical company specializing in cancer therapies. Mundipharma is a group of drug development companies in Europe. Folotyn is a folate analogue metabolic inhibitor approved in the U.S. for the treatment of…

  • U.K. to Fund Sustainable Biofuel By-Product R&D

    A consortium of research funding councils and industry in the U.K. will finance new ways of extracting valuable chemicals from the by-products of brewing grains for ethanol. This call for proposals aims to challenge researchers to find processes that yield chemicals which would otherwise be produced from fossil fuels. The project comes under the Integrated…