Tag: semiconductors

  • Darpa Funding Research on Brain-Digital Implants

    The advanced research agency in Department of Defense is supporting six new projects on neural devices that connect the brain to digital technologies to restore sensory functions.

  • Battery-Free Cell Phone Demonstrated

    A computer science and engineering team demonstrated a prototype cell phone that sends and receives calls, but operates with power from ambient light and radio signals.

  • NSF Supports Chip Enabling Low-Power Electronics

    An engineering lab at University of Texas in San Antonio received a grant to assess the commercial potential for a chip that lets electronic devices work with much less power.

  • Breath Diagnostic Device Built on Common Computer Chip

    A device acting like an electronic nose to analyze exhaled breath to diagnose disease is being developed at an engineering lab at University of Texas in Dallas.

  • Graphene Chip Detects DNA, RNA Mutations

    15 June 2016. A biomedical engineering team developed a chip built on graphene that detects mutations in genetic material, for eventual use in mobile diagnostics equipment. Researchers from University of California in San Diego, led by engineering professor Ratnesh Lal, describe their device this week in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Lal and…

  • Sensor Patch Tracks Chemical, Physical Vital Signs

    24 May 2016. Engineers at University of California in San Diego developed a patch device worn on the skin with sensors that measure chemical indicators as well as physical vital signs. The UC-San Diego team that designed the device published its findings in yesterday’s issue of the journal Nature Communications. The researchers led by nanoengineering…

  • Chip Designed for Efficient, Mobile Neural Networks

    4 February 2016. An engineering lab at Massachusetts Institute of Technology designed a new processing chip that could allow running of neural networks on mobile devices. A team led by electrical engineering and computer science professor Vivienne Sze described and demonstrated the new chip on 2 February at the International Solid State Circuits Conference in…

  • Biodegradable Brain Sensors Developed, Tested

    19 January 2016. Engineers and medical researchers developed tiny, implanted sensors measuring brain functions in lab animals that dissolve and leave the body in a few weeks. The team from University of Illinois in Urbana and Washington University in St. Louis published its findings on 18 January in the journal Nature (paid subscription required). Researchers…

  • Faster Process Devised for Skin-Patch Sensors

    29 October 2015. Engineers at University of California in San Diego developed a process that simplifies production of flexible electronic sensors worn on the skin for medical diagnostics. The team from the lab of bioengineering professor Todd Coleman published its findings in a recent issue of the journal Sensors. The UC-San Diego team was seeking…

  • Manufacturing Process Devised for Skin-Patch Electronics

    30 September 2015. Engineers and materials scientists designed a manufacturing process for electronic health monitors worn like tattoos that cut their production time to about 20 minutes. The team led by engineering professor Nanshu Lu at University of Texas in Austin reported its findings last week in the journal Advanced Materials (paid subscription required). Lu…