Tag: NSF

  • Project Aims to Boost Ebola Drug Production

    31 December 2014. A research team at University of California in Davis aims to find new ways of boosting production capacity of the experimental Ebola drug ZMapp. The 1-year project, led by UC-Davis chemical engineering and materials science professor Karen McDonald, is funded by a $200,000 rapid-response grant from National Science Foundation. The current Ebola…

  • 3-D Tissue Assembly System Designed

    22 December 2014. Medical and engineering researchers at Brown University in Providence developed a system that puts together synthetic tissue components into larger tissue assemblies, a step in the creation of synthetic organs. A description of the system from the lab of Brown bioengineering professor Jeffrey Morgan was published on Saturday in the journal Tissue…

  • University Prof to Commercialize 3-D Printed Cell Platforms

    15 December 2014. A biomedical engineer at Louisiana Tech University in Ruston plans to develop a commercial platform for three-dimensional printing of artificial cells in research, education, and industrial applications. Mark DeCoster, an engineering faculty member at Louisiana Tech, received a $50,000 National Science Foundation I-Corps grant to further develop the idea into a marketable…

  • Graphene Sensor Designed for Wearable Disease Detection

    7 August 2014. Engineers at University of Michigan in Ann Arbor designed a sensor from graphene that makes it possible to embed the technology into wearable devices for disease detection. The team from the labs of electrical engineering professor Zhaohui Zhong and biomedical engineering professor Sherman Fan published their results last month in the journal…

  • Univ at Buffalo Starting Advanced Materials Research Center

    1 July 2014. University at Buffalo in New York is establishing a new materials research department that aims to accelerate the process of bringing advanced materials to market. Buffalo’s Materials Design and Innovation department is a joint project of the university’s engineering and Arts and Science schools, and funded in part by donation of $1.5…

  • Lab Chip Device Developed to Test Engineered Plant Traits

    26 March 2014. Engineers at Iowa State University in Ames created a device about the size of a microscope slide that can quickly test the effects of genetic changes on plant characteristics, rather than growing sample seeds in soil. The team led by electrical and computer engineering professor Liang Dong, with colleagues from Iowa State…

  • Golden Goose Highlights Bipartisan Support for Basic Science

    15 February 2014. Research on black holes in space by a University of Illinois physicist led to development of an early Web browser on which much of today’s browsers are based. That physicist, Larry Smarr, now at University of California in San Diego, is the first 2014 winner of the Golden Goose award to recognize…

  • NSF-Funded Research Studying Robot-Human Interaction

    3 February 2014. Computer scientists at Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts are researching interactions between humans and robots in factory and home settings, working either as collaborators with or helpers to people. Research by Worcester Tech faculty Dmitry Berenson and Sonia Chernova, is funded by a pair of three-year grants from National Science Foundation’s National…

  • Research Consortium Applies X-ray Lasers to Drug Molecules

    A group of eight universities and research institutes in the U.S. is advancing the use of X-ray laser technology in biology, with direct applications in finding molecular targets for new therapies.  The Center for Biology with X-ray Laser, or BioXFEL, is funded by a $25 million grant from National Science Foundation, led by University at…

  • Jewelry-Like Devices in Development to Enable Mobile Health

    Computer scientists and engineers at Clemson University in South Carolina and Dartmouth College in New Hampshire are collaborating on electronic devices worn like jewelry to improve the capture of data for mobile health applications, while maintaining an individual’s privacy and security. The three-year Amulet project, as the initiative is known, is funded by National Science…