Tag: computer science

  • Oak Ridge Lab Develops Web 2.0 System for HazMat Tracking

    Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee is developing a system for tracking hazardous materials that lets stakeholders use their own technology and protocols for keeping track of these shipments. The Tracking 2.0 system, that employs a Web-based social media approach to HazMat tracking, was funded by the Office of Science in the Department of Energy…

  • New Analytical Tools Reveal Cancer DNA Properties

    Researchers from the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital – Washington University Pediatric Cancer Genome Project developed a computerized algorithm to better identify genomic properties of cancer cells. Their findings appear in the advance online issue of the journal Nature Methods (paid subscription required). The analytical methods are contained in a software package called Clipping Reveals…

  • Court Backs “Clear and Convincing Evidence” Patent Standard

    The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 8-0 vote, upheld a lower court ruling that Microsoft Corporation infringed on the patent of a small Canadian software developer, and affirmed the current high bar challengers must clear before overturning a patent. The unanimous decision — Chief Justice John Roberts did not vote because he owns Microsoft stock…

  • HHS to Use Challenges to Spur New Health Info Technology

    The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced its Investing in Innovations (i2) Initiative that offers prizes and competitions to accelerate development of solutions in health information technology. The program will be run from the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) for Health Information Technology. The i2 Initiative plans to use open-innovation methods, such…

  • Mayo Clinic, GE to Research Brain-Scan MRI Technology

    The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota and GE Global Research in Niskayuna, New York will conduct research leading to development of a dedicated MRI brain scanner for neurological and psychiatric disorders. Their work is funded by a $5.7 million grant from National Institutes of Health. An MRI brain scanner would be dedicated to diagnose disorders…

  • Prototype U.K. Medical Records Card/Stick Developed

    Two universities in the U.K. have developed a prototype smart card fitted with mass memory stick containing an individual’s medical records. The MyCare Card prototype was developed by City University London and Coventry University, with funding from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The MyCare Card, pictured left,  stores personal medical data, such…

  • Open-Source Genome Analysis Software Developed

    Scientists at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, part of Yeshiva University in Bronx, New York have written software to make the analysis of genomic data easier for fellow researchers. The findings appeared last month in the journal Bioinformatics. Julien Lajugie and Eric Bouhassira developed the open-source software, called GenPlay, to help biologists analyze raw genomics…

  • Intel to Partner with Universities on Secure Computing

    Intel Corporation in Mountain View, California says it has an agreement with five universities to collaborate on research to improve secure computing for the end user. Partnering on its second Intel Science and Technology Center (ISTC) is University of California at Berkeley that will serve as the center’s host, and Carnegie Mellon, Drexel, Duke, and…

  • HP, Non-Profit Partner on Malaria Surveillance

    Computer maker HP and non-profit organization Positive Innovation for the Next Generation (PING) are collaborating to improve the quality and efficiency of disease surveillance in Botswana. The project involves mobile health monitoring technology that HP and PING believe can help better protect populations against major malaria outbreaks. The initiative uses HP’s webOS operating system for…

  • $1M Challenge Aims to Monitor DNA/RNA Sequencing of a Cell

    Life Technologies in Carlsbad, California unveiled a competition to enhance its current genomic sequencing capabilities to monitor the genome and transcriptome — corresponding ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules — derived from a single human cancer cell.  The company is offering a $1 million prize through a challenge on InnoCentive, a company that runs these crowd-sourcing competitions.…